Wednesday, June 5, 2024

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~My Motivation

Spring Cleaning 2024 is nearing the end.
Mazzie is living up to her Tortie Stereotype…
She is Sassy, She is Spunky. She likes to be a part
of whatever I’m doing.

I saved the worst room till last.
The Utility Room.

My Helper Cat and I found all those Dust Bunnies behind the
Washer, Dryer, Freezer, and Water Heater.

Gracie is proving to be the Calm Calico.
Maybe I can train her to sit beside me when I have my morning coffee.
Haha, that’s right…can’t train a cat.

Lizzie learned that our morning routine was quite pleasant.
I do have hopes.

Gracie has also taken on the role of neighborhood Watch Cat…
Birds, Squirrels, and real Bunnies.

They both have met Roomba.
They are more curious than afraid.

Lizzie was not intimidated either,
Roomba learned to go around the cat.

So, my Motivation News…
We have family coming home for a quick visit.
All the bedding has been washed and back on the beds.

Thank you to Miss Rachel, who gave up a couple extra hours to
help me get things ready in the bedrooms and bathrooms.
She probably battled some Dust Bunnies, too.

Who’s coming to visit?
Here’s your best clue…we got the car seats out of storage.

Great Grandma is thrilled.
It will be a weekend filled with Family Time.
We are all thrilled.

Take care,

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