Monday, January 6, 2025

Christmas with Family ~The Most Wonderful Time of the Year ~Here’s How we Got There ~And How we Got Home Again

This is for all of you that like to follow along on our travels.
We were blessed with good weather to drive across the country…
And back again.
You can see the back of our vehicle is packed with suitcases,
boxes of Grandma’s Cape Cod Collection, wrapped Christmas gifts,
Car Snacks, a Cooler, my Projects…

…and freshly baked cookies.

Hubby likes to do all the driving,
so I always bring a project.
This was a perfect opportunity to write
on our Christmas Cards. I sent 98 and only one
came back with an incorrect address.

We traveled through seven states in three days to reach our family.

After a long day of sitting in a vehicle, we are please when
we check into a hotel that has a restaurant within walking distance.

The Holiday Spirit was strong with Hotel Lobbies
and Restaurants decorated to the Max…

…and Christmas Music as we got ready every morning.

With the current weather reports of freezing rain
and blowing snow all across our country,
 I am grateful for the mild weather we had for travel.

We reached Georgia on Day Three, just in time for dinner,
and we were greeting by this Handsome Boy.

Then, just twelve hours later, we were fully immersed 
in the activities of two busy families.
More about all that later…

After ten days with family in Georgia, we packed up to go home,
as Amy was gathering all things Christmas to store away ‘till next year.

Hang in there, as this post is long…
but then we traveled through eight states in five days on the way home.
Trip Odometer = 3422 miles

Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri,
 Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota.

Our weather was still decent for travel, my heart goes out
to those folks that are currently stranded on the ice and snow.

Here we are in Branson, MO. We stayed here two nights.
There will be much more about this later.

In the meantime, I’m sending well wishes to those folks
who are on the roads in this Winter Storm.
Stay Safe and Warm.

Take care,

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Remembering Daddy

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