Thursday, January 23, 2025

Did you Make New Year’s Resolutions? Or do you have New Year’s Intentions? ~I like to Choose a Word for the Year

We are now three weeks into 2025.

Do you have any New Years Resolutions?
If you are sticking to them, keep up the good work!
Studies show that 8% of folks last only a month.

Quitters Day was January 10th.
Several people abandon their resolutions by the second Friday in January.
So, don’t feel like you are alone
if your new habits are no longer a top priority.

New Year’s “Intentions” might be a better term for you?
Intentions are considered a way to create change by
focusing on the desired outcome and the journey to get there.
Intentions allow for flexibility and creativity.

I’ll confess. I’ve been a part of the 80% that has set goals when
turning the calendar to a new year,
and then not completely following through.

I like to choose a Word for the Year.
In 2022, it was “Organize”... My mother always said,
“There’s a place for everything, and everything in it’s place”

My Word for 2023 was “Gratitude”
This was the year after my accident, a reminder
 to be Thankful for all of Life’s Blessings, every single day.

Last year’s Word was “Joy”
Every day I look for something that brings Joy,
even in the ordinary everyday routine.

For 2025, my Word of the Year is “Balance”
To achieve Balance, consider at all the important domains in your life…
Physical & Emotional Needs
Self Care

Make time every day for the things you need to do,
Balanced with the things you want to do.

Balance in Life brings feelings of Joy,
Fulfillment, and Rejuvenation.
Let’s make 2025 our year to Focus on what Matters,
Be Thankful for our Blessings,
Practice Self Care,
and Look for the Joy.

Take care,

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Remembering Daddy

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