Monday, February 10, 2025

It’s Valentine’s Week ~Holiday Decor ~Morning Routine ~Chocolate ~Etsy ~and Love

February is the Month of Love.
The month for us to celebrate the love of our Family and Friends.
In February we also focus on Heart Health, Cancer Prevention, 
Eating Disorders, and Teen Dating Violence Awareness.

My morning routine starts with coffee,
after the cats have had their breakfast, of course.

I exchange messages with family and close friends,
then an inspirational reading before I start physical therapy.

It’s just the two of us living here, retired empty nesters.
However, I still enjoy holiday decorations… 
like my centerpiece tower that features Valentine chocolates.

Beautiful Crystal Heart Shaped Candy dishes for
 our foil-wrapped Dove Dark Chocolates.

What’s your favorite kind of M&M?
For us? It is definitely the Peanut Butter M&Ms.
They’re not easy to find, so if I see them when shopping,
I purchase another bag.

My handmade Dollie has a special spot on our kitchen shelf.

We have a sweet little Dollie in our family, too.
This photo was in my Facebook Memories,
from two years ago.

These Wooden Hearts have been best sellers in my
Tins and Treasures Etsy Shop.
They are a sweet collaboration between
Hubby in his Wood Shop and me on my Work Table.

It’s too late for shipping by Friday, but if you are a local friend,
we can make arrangements if you’d like to purchase one for a gift.
It’s great for Valentines Day, however I keep mine on display all year.

Celebrate February, the Month of Love,
with the people that you love.

Take care,

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