Sunday, February 2, 2025

Welcome February ~What Happened to January?

January 2025 is now a memory.
It sure went fast, didn’t it?!

I treasure these January photos of our grandchildren.
This year, they enjoyed an unusual Snow Day
at home from school.

Was Santa good to you this year?
Here is my belated report.
You remember that our family generously gifted us with tickets
to a show in Branson. Santa still made his way into the
house with these thoughtful surprises.

My family and friends, they spoil me.
Thank you!

The Santa Spirit is working overtime,
as I received these tasty treats from friends just this week.
Thank you.

If you made New Years Resolutions/Intentions/Goals,
How is that going for you?
Studies show that 88% of adults abandon their resolutions
by the end of January. So, if you are sticking to your new habits…

My word for the Year 2025 is “Balance”
I have accepted the fact that perfect balance is not possible every single day…
But I think it all evens out by the end of the week!

I like this list that recently came across my Newsfeed.
Most of these are a part of my every day.

“Learn or do something new”
That’s a good goal!
I need to work on that one.

Take care,

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