Jack and I shared a morning, just the two of us,
when we were there for Christmas.
If you are a grandparent, you know just how special that was.
Jack is the Grandchild that made us a Papa and Gigi.
Papa and Jack shared some bonding time at Christmastime, too…
Assembling one of his Christmas gifts.
They were a good team.
Our Spring Break trip frequently coincides with
our family’s March Birthdays.
Last year, Jack’s friend party had been earlier in the afternoon.
He saved his gifts until this Papa and Gigi got there to open them.
Birthday 2023
A family party at the house.
His Daddy prepared probably the best steak I have ever eaten.
And his Mama’s Mashed Potatoes and Salad were tasty , too.
Of course, there was chocolate cake.
Spring of 2022, I was invited to travel with the family to NYC.
Jack and I held hands and used our “pony legs”
to keep up with Daddy when we all ran to catch the Subway!
In 2021, we celebrated my Birthday together
with an Ice Cream Party.
Spring 2020
Even at two years old, Jack was a great little helper in the kitchen.
Papa and Gigi had intended to be there to celebrate his 2nd Birthday…
…but then the Pandemic happened.
Jack with his Gigi in 2019.
In fact, Jack is the one that named me Gigi.
I first met Jack just a few weeks after he was born in 2018.
Sweet memories of those trips to Okinawa to spend time with the family,
helping with childcare, and visiting the sites.
And now, oh how I treasure these FaceTime chats.
I look forward to seeing all the grandchildren,
celebrating our family’s March Birthdays, in person, soon.
Take care,
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