Friday, October 24, 2008

High School Cross Country

Our youngest daughter was a cross country runner. We have some great memories following the team. She was on the Varsity squad for six year. These athletes train hard all year long. Emily would run over 300 miles, just in the summer. These athletes develop a close a family. These pictures are from one of our home meets a few years ago. She loved to go out fast... (Jake, do you recognize the athlete wearing red that is behind Emily?) Anyway, Emily won this race by 45 seconds. She still holds the school record for the fastest time recorded for a 3000 meter race and a 4000 meter race. This year's top runner at Central has alot of talent. Her times are within seconds of Emily's, in fact, this year's team has alot of talent...Tomorrow is the State Meet...and our girls are contenders for the State Title...
Let's Go, Eagles!


Debra said...

I have always wanted to be a runner...I just don't have the right lungs for it..LOL

My niece runs cross country at her school and loves it.

Kim Caro said...

that is the fun part of seeing kids grow up. seeing them doing thing sthey enjoy...they choose it...instead of lil kids getting their environment set up for them.

Michelle said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll be stopping by here again, as well!

Anonymous said...

That's incredibly impressive! She does look very focused in that picture! You'll be happy to know she is still very focused at everything she does (i.e. academics). I do check out your blog, quite frequently actually. Seems like I get to know the family better!

Kathy said...

Thank you so much for commenting on my new blog! Yours is wonderful. Our boys were in soccer and those were some of the best years! Have a wonderful weekend! Kathy

Sandee said...

I love your blog and love this post. My hubby runs and oldest son tried it last year but just didn't really enjoy it I wish that he had.....Your daughter sounds so talented. Thank you for visiting my blog too!

M said...

Great photo! My kids ran cross country in middle school but gave it up in high school...they had potential but lacked the drive to get up and run a zillion miles each day....and I am learning to get up and run each I never get out of shape again!!

Can't wait to hear if your high school did well on Sat!

Suzanne said...

One of my sons ran cross country. I still contend it is one of the most rigorous of sports. I am in awe of those runners!

Michelle said...

Hey, check your email! You won my giveaway!

jodi said...

Cross country and track were the best sports our oldest was ever involved in. Fellow runners were the nicest and most encouraging - even to those who came in last. Parents didn't scream (or cry. It was always a joy to go and watch.

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