Sunday, November 2, 2008

Cats just don't get the "time change"...

I tried to tell them that I get an extra hour this morning...but they were persistent in getting their breakfast according to their "clock".
But of course, after breakfast they can just nap the day away...

Wouldn't you just love to be a house cat for just one day?!


SnazzyJazzie said...

oh yes, i would surely love to be a housecat in this house. what a life!!
p/s i have sent an email to you.

Jasmine from M'sia

Michelle said...

LOL! Yes! I don't have cats, I have dogs, but I wouldn't mind being in their place, either...

Renna said...

How funny. Mine could care less about a time change, or even what time it is, for that matter. She woke me at 5:30 this morning, which in actuality, I guess was only 4:30. Had I thought of that when I made my way, bleary eyed down the hall, I'd have been even more grumpy!

Anonymous said...

Great photos of your babies!

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

So cute! Our dogs are the same way. They are on a schedule and the expect things at certain times!

jodi said...

Your cats are beautiful. Love their colors.

Suzanne said...

Oh my goodness. We have a cat (Freckles) that looks just like one of yours! I know what you mean, I wish they would wear watches like the rest of us!

Kathy said...

Love the kitty pictures. they do have it made for sure!

Ginny’s Lazy B Ranch said...

I love your kitties, they are beautiful. My precious white adopted stray disappeared this summer and left four babies under our shed, I bottle fed them for six weeks and they were eating food when our australian shepherd decided to play with them one night and I lost all of them. I just found a new kitten and she is a precious grey tabby. I would love to be a house cat!!

M said...

Funny cats! Mine just wait for me to come upstairs...then they ME-OOOWWWWW until I feed them. If I go for a run first they are guaranteed to be much louder when I return!

Mary Richmond said...

too funny! my cats don't get the time change either!


Oh how I can relate ! I have 2 kitties, one fat calico Orphant' Annie, and a fat gray Tuxedo kitty Sadie Mae.
They are still out of whack with the time change, even going to night-night with me. They are ready an hour before time now.LOL
Enjoye your blog.

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