Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Honoring Our Veterans

This picture of my daddy was taken in 1941. He served our country during WWII. He was a member of the 164th Infantry Division of the United States Army.
We have school on Veterans' Day. The community Veterans' Day program is held in our high school arena. The veterans and their families are seated on the main floor. Students fill the bleachers and the balcony. My first assembly was 10 years ago today...and I remember it so vividly. I wanted to go, especially to hear the All-City Chorus. Our youngest daughter was a member of this elementary auditioned singing group. They always sing the Star Spangled Banner and other patriotic selections. Also, Senator Tom Daschle was home and the keynote speaker that year. But what I remember the most was when the band played the Armed Forces Salute and all those veterans stood when their song was played. Some wearing their uniforms, standing so proud and so erect...
It brought me right back to the memories of standing with my mom and my family at my dad's funeral 10 years before. The uniformed veterans took the flag from my dad's casket and so carefully folded it and handed it to my mom while a lone trumpet played taps...And all my mom could say was "Your daddy was so proud." Here I sat, 10 years later, with tears streaming down my face... remembering my dad...
And today, again, I was so proud of our student body. Over 1200 students...the all city chorus...the Central High School band...all paid tribute to the men and women, and their families who sacrifice so much for our country.


Kindra-At Home With K said...

You got a handsome dad there. I just posted a picture of my grandpa who also served in WW II. He also passed away in 1998 at the age of 75. I miss him so much and this day is always bittersweet for my family and I. We will never forget what he and so many others did for our country.

Jenn~ said...

That was such a lovely post...and yup, it brought tears to my eyes....thank you so much...

Blackfeatherfarm said...

Wonderful post ♥

Kristin said...

What a heartwarming post...I wanted to post a picture of my granfather, but our scanner is packed away..we are getting ready to move and have most things packed up. My grandfather, Pops, passed away in 1996. This brought tears to my eyes..

Debra said...

Your dad was very handsome!! What a great and lovely post.

Suzanne said...

Thank you for this wonderful post. Somehow Veteran's Day got away from me this year -- I hadn't given it much thought. Your post reminded me of its importance. It brought a tear to my eye as I thought of my own father, who also served in WWII. Thank you so much!

Renna said...

What a lovely tribute your post was!

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