Friday, May 29, 2009

School's Out For Summer

Are you singing the song now, too?! Yesterday was finallly our last day of school. We celebrated with family friends. Ashley is now officially a Senior, Jake and Emily, Juniors in college, and Lexi 'passed' to 3rd grade. Grandma will celebrate a 'big' birthday in July.
We made pizzas on the grill. If you have never tried it, I highly recommend it. This was our 2nd attempt. Last summer, we rushed the process and some were burnt. Last night was much better.

Kari was in charge of dessert. She brought the sweet little waffle cups, ice cream and a variety of toppings. I hope this is just the first of many summer get-togethers.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Grand Finale

Basic Foods class~today was the last full day of school. Professional Chef Kelly Miller, has two girls in my classes and they suggested he come to prepare our final meal. First we cut chicken breast and placed it in his delicious marinade.

He amazed the students when he carved a cabbage flower, a honeydew melon swan and a watermelon whale.

Students placed chicken and grapes on skewers and with his daughters as his assistants, he grilled them to perfection. of all...a father and daughter memory was made at Central High School.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Teaching for Generations

Graduation of the pleasures of teaching high school is celebrating this milestone with my students. I typically receive any where from 12 to 20 invitations. I am honored to attend these receptions to meet the families and to be welcomed into their homes.

Here I am with Ashley and her see...I was her mom's teacher too, in the early 1980's. It is a treat to get to know the children of former students. I'm pretty sure I'll be retired by the time the 3rd generation gets to high school.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Zippidy Do Dah ~

Zippers for Sale ~ My Mother-in-Law has organized her zipper stash...241 zippers to be exact...some short, some 10-14"; and some 16-22".

Some nylon...some metal. Some new...some used. Lots of colors. All at a bargain price. Just contact me or watch for them in my Natalie's Notions Etsy Shop.
At home here, college daughter treats us to another home cooked dinner...Hot Sauce Chicken with Green Beans and Couscous.

Jake's online course started yesterday, so he has been reading and studying...

With five days of school left, Lucy and I continue to calculate grades.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Suddenly Summer

Typical for us, we went from 40 degree weather to a day like is currently 91 degrees. I would just love to be outside. Jake and Emily have finished their school term and have been enjoying the sunshine.

Lucy and I have been correcting papers for days.
Hubby prepared dinner on the grill...ribs and salmon.

Jake and Emily have volunteered to prepare dinner for the next three nights. They had fun looking through my Rachel Ray Magazines.
Tonight we are having Pork Lo Mein. It sounds and smells delicious. As Rachel would say... "Yummo"!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

So Glad It's Saturday

Finally the weekend...School is usually pretty intense at the end of the term...add to that...Seniors who need every credit to graduate...the stress...I'm so thankful that my own daughters did not provide me with those worries!

Since I missed TIMH Thursday...This is Things in my House Saturday...the college girl's possessions. She is officially done with the term and checked out of her dorm...I guess, for good. She will be an apartment dweller for the remainder of her college career.

With Emily and Jake here, I can make some of my favorite dishes.
This is simply the most fabulous dip. And, Oh, so easy!!
Prize-Winning Party Bean Dip
2 cans (15 oz. each) black beans, drained and rinsed
1 can (15 oz.) refried beans
1 jar (16 oz.) chunky salsa
1 pkg. (4 oz.) crumbled feta cheese
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
Combine all ingredients in serving bowl; mix well. Refrigerate at least 1 hour to blend flavors. Serve with tortilla chips.
I also made a large bowl of Pasta Salad. I don't always follow a specific it's a little different everytime. Today I used rotini, red beans, cucumber, black olives, carrots, green onions, cherry tomatoes, carrots, green pepper, parmesean cheese and Tuscan Style Italian Salad Dressing.

Hubby is currently on his way to Sioux Falls...Their Jazz Group is playing at the Touch of Europe tonight.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Whatcha Workin on Wednesday?

I am cleaning house...
We are looking forward to having college kids here again. Amy's room...which will be Jake's room for the next couple of now a CAT-FREE ZONE. Everything in there has been dusted, vacummed, washed or fluffed in the dryer. The room is ready and the door is closed. I still suggest that Jake has plenty of allergy medications with him!
Emily's room, on the other hand, is far from cat free...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday Morning Mania

Meet Mr. Hansen. He teaches Social Studies...He coaches Football...
His planning period is 1st Block, same as my Basic Foods last week he stopped by. We were preparing eggs...scrambled...fried...hard cooked. So...he demonstrated his specialty...Toad in the Hole...
Here's what you do...
Butter both sides of a slice of bread.
Tear out the center to create a small hole.
Place bread on hot skillet or griddle.
Crack egg and slide into hole.
Fry until bread is golden brown.
Carefully turn, to brown the other side.

So, today...with intensity, we prepare for the end of the school year.
Students are testing and completing final projects...but we each took time to prepare a Toad in the Hole...a skill to last for a lifetime...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Memories

Mother's Day...a time for reflection and fond memories. I think being a mother is the most important, most rewarding job in the whole world.
In our family, Mother's Day has meant spending time together...a special meal...special cards...sweet little presents, often homemade...
And... of course, we always posed for a picture. My first Mother's Day in 1985, Amy was just 3 months old. Do I look like a tired mom in this picture? For many years, my parents would travel here, and we could celebrate three generations of moms and daughters together. Here we are, with my mom in 1991, and the 3 of us in 1995.

It happens so gradually, our little girls become young women. Here we are in about 1999.

Today, we celebrated Mother's Day in Fargo. Amy was not able to join us. We had a lovely brunch at the Radisson Hotel. Our time spent together was priceless...and much too short. Thank you, my darling daughters, for everything.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Marathon Experience

This was Emily's first marathon. She was running the 4th leg of a relay team...7.6 miles to be exact. Here she is with the 3rd leg, Natalie, at the start . They hoped to get a glimspe of Lily, who started amongst the over 10,000 runners. We, then drove to South Fargo, to wait for Natalie to run there...Finally, we see her in the chute...there they are exchanging the ankleband with the computer chip...

Then, she's off...

Then back to the Fargo Dome to wait for Emily...I was so excited when I saw her finishing, that I didn't get a picture until she had her medal and her banana.

She finished strong for her team...update...according to the official results...based on the computer chips on their ankles...she ran her leg in 47 minutes...that's a 6:20 mile pace.
Thank goodness for cell phones. She was able to find her team mates.
It was the first time marathon for all four of these ladies...and you can tell by their smiles that it won't be their last!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Things in my House Thursday XVIII

So...if you follow my blog, you know that we have been at my 88 year old mother's place, to help her with health issues and with her many possessions. In her closet we found several boxes...but this one was special...and we opened it to find beautiful silk fabrics...

She casually says, "Oh, these

are my honeymoon nightgowns."

Our daughter, Emily and I are looking at each other... like we can't believe it...this is

lovely lingerie... from 1946. These nighties are beautiful...elegant. They have been in a box for
over 60 years. they are here at my house, safely stored
away. Two nightgowns...two granddaughters...precious keepsakes.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Chicken Stock Wednesday

Do you recall the day my 2nd Term Basic Foods class made their Homemade Chicken Stock? Well, that was December and it was 'Soup Weather'. Today, it was a beautiful, spring day...72 degrees...but the Chicken Noodle Soup was just as delicious. I love the interaction between the students and their chicken...I simply must share their pictures.
If you are now in the mood to make this yourself, you can find the recipe here.

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...