Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Weekend and Friday's Fabulous Finds

Mrs. Kwitty's Cottage

Painted Panache by Joann

Barb's Heartstrokes

Primgal's Primitive Palette

Rabbit Hollow Prims

*click on the pictures to vist the Etsy shops of these talented artists*

Best wishes for a wonderful weekend.
Enjoy the colors of fall.
Spend time with your family and friends.

Take care,


Maggey and Jim said...

OH Nat, I love those pilgrims..

pam said...

I love the snowman!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

The pilgrims are so cute!

Willoughby said...

They're all so cute, but I think I like the pilgrims best.

I've been meaning to tell you, we tried your doughnut recipe last weekend. It was a big hit! Thanks for passing it on, I can't wait to make them again!!

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Nice, Natalie!! Thanks so much for sharing my bird card on your blog! Loved those other picks too...especially the turkeys made me grin!
Smiles, Karen

jywheeler said...

lovely Friday finds! Thanks for including my handpainted porcelain teapot.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Such special finds Natalie!
I hope you are enjoying your weekend as well...heck it is almost over. AGAIN!

Barb said...

Hi Natalie,
Thank you for featuring my Tom Turkey Pins!

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