Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Mania ~ The View from my Window

I have a window in my classroom.
This was the view today.
If you lean in toward the window and look way to the south,
you can see one of the practice football fields.
See the goal post and one of the athletic field houses?

This is our forecast...
we are not expecting any more snow until the weekend.
However, the temperature might be a problem.

Our Monday Night Dinner Group gathered tonight.
Pat tossed the salad.
Jeanne was busy with the beef for our French Dip Sandwiches.
... too busy for a photo.
This week, I was responsible for dessert.
Chocolate Ribbon Cheesecake.

There are leftovers...
who wants to come over for coffee tomorrow?

Take care,


The Wooden Acorn said...

OMG to the snow! AND.....OMG to your wonderful looking cheesecake!

Hang in there, the snow has to go away eventually.

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

Me, me, me!! But since we are due to get up to 20" of snow by tomorrow... I'm thinking you will have it all ate by the time I get there. I sure hope their predictions are wrong, I don't want high walls of snow like you all have. Yikes, that's a lot of snow! Those temperatures are scary too!! You be careful and keep yourself warm, girl!

Suzanne said...

Wow -- and I thought I had reason to complain. -28...that is ten degrees colder than our low tonight. Horrible!!! We didn't get much snow, but we are definitely feeling the cold. Had to postpone my trip to my daughter's house till next week.

I would just like to say (for the millionth time) that I would love to be your neighbor. To be a part of a dinner group like that sounds heavenly. Your cheesecake looks divine!

Pat said...

When I look at the weather and temperatures in your neck of the woods, I feel I shouldn't complain about the weather here. Come on spring!

BlueRidge Boomer said...

I'll be right over...!!'s snowing between me and me in St. Louis....i'll bring coffee, you bring the left over cake....!!


Unknown said...

I will come for coffee and a visit!

BlueRidge Boomer said...

I just heard Al Roker......forget St. Louis....lets meet in Key Largo...i've got friends there with a front porch on the beach....!!

Barb said...

HOLY SNOW FALL Natalie! I will not be crying over 18 degrees and sunshine. We have no snow and I like it like that! Hang in there!

jodi said...

I would come over :-). That snow looks awful. But then it probably would not be so bad if I was more used to it.

prims by olde lady morgan said...

Natalie, I want to come for leftovers!!! BUT, we are now getting a BLIZZARD!! 12-20 inches coming are way! YIKES! OLM

Cathryn said...

Now that's snow we could use in the southwest--or divide it into smaller batches. :D

Lovely dinner! Lovely dessert!

Michelle said...

I'll take some cheesecake, not snow.

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