Thursday, January 27, 2011

Things in my House Thursday ~ The Little Things that Make Me Smile

A Wedding Gift...
29+  years ago.
My Milk Glass Candy Dish.
It has always had place in my kitchen...
on the counter...on the table...

One can usually find the some sweet treat...
depending on the season. 
And now...
with Valentine's Day on the horizon...
Dark Chocolate Kisses.

Just for you, Sweetheart!

Take care,


BeautifulDees said...

Lovely milk glass...and the kisses top it off. It is wonderful to find thing's that make you happy.

Sarah said...

Wonderful that you have this treasured wedding gift. Its ruffled edges perfect for valentine candy. Milk glass always makes me think of my mom. She had a sweet collection.

The Rusty Thimble said...

Ok so I love milk glass and this is a lovely piece. But now I want some chocolate kisses LOL.....and I have NO chocolate in the house!!

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

That is so sweet! (in more ways than one)

Firecracker Kid said...

Aww, how precious:) Sweets for the sweet.

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

Hi I'm from ND Do you collect Milk gass. Them are good kisses Laura

Suzanne said...

I've always loved milk glass -- especially when it has kisses in it!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your tablescape looks so beautiful and festive.
My Mom has a lot of milk glass pieces; so pretty!

Cathryn said...

Milk glass reminds me of time of elegance and simplicity. I love your dish and the fact you keep it filled with lovely treats!

Susan said...

I have the same Milk Glass candy dish!! I love mine too!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

i love milk glass but never have one like yours! yours just lovely! precious treasure!

My Dream Canvas said...

This looks so lovely. I look forward to you stopping by at My Dream Canvas:-)

Blue Ridge Altered Art said...

I love milk glass. I even have a large pitcher beside my kitchen sink that I keep my bottle of dishwashing liquid in. Thanks for sharing. ~~Sherry~~

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

I adore your milk glass candy dish! What a sweet treasure that is and especially the treasures inside it right now! =]

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