Sunday, May 31, 2015

I Won A GoPro Camera ~Thank you Pam of Sidewalk Shoes ~~And it's a Special Sunday, Indeed

I am your lucky give-away winner of the GoPro Camera
and the ProPlan Cat Food Coupons.

My camera arrrived almost a week ago,..

I needed to wait to get an SD card, 
and then, I was able to take some photos.

Maybe this will be the spark our sedentary cats need 
to get up  and get moving?

(We once had daughters living at home, that were swimmers, dancers, and runners.
Years ago, we would have had some exciting videos to share.)

these empty nesters have had a pretty dull life.
But I do have something special to share...

This is our church.
My hubby was baptized and confirmed here.
So GoPro helped me capture the interior of the church.

Our congregation is taking on a major renovation project.

So this is the last look at the old Zion Lutheran Church...

Stayed tuned to watch the progress on this project...

Take care,

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Our Furry Friends are such Faithful Friends ~and sometimes Lucy just makes me Chuckle

I have been busy cleaning, organizing, 
storing and donating.
I have items that I brought home from school,
items that I brought home from the farm,
plus the items I already have at home.

I think Lucy's expression sums it up, perfectly.

Take care,

I am linking up with Pam of Sidewalk Shoes
for her weekly Happy Caturday event.
I do think that Coco and Lucy could be cousins.
Don't you?

Friday, May 29, 2015

Where the Week Went ~What'cha Workin' on Wednesday...and Thursday...and Friday...

Typically my Blog Post Title on Friday is "TGIF" or "Finally Friday"
...however, after school is out, that perspective changes.  
The first full week of summer is already gone. 
It flew by.

I went to our storage shed to get my summer clothes.

And I am happy to say that,
while it took most of a morning,
my teacher clothes and boots are boxed up and in storage.

You all know that we made a roadtrip to the farmstead.
Because of the water, it has been several years since we could get to the house.

We brought some items home...
some with sentimental value,
and some that might look good in hubby's garden.

Speaking of Hubby's green thumb...
the rain has been his friend.

Here are his herbs. I've already used the rosemary and thyme.
(scroll down in case you missed my Crash Hot Potato post)

There were just a couple of boxes of holiday items that needed to be taken to the attic.
After all, in the Dakotas we can leave our snowman decor out until Easter.

In case you are wondering what happened to all of those Christmas decorations that you saw in December...they are here in our attic. Yes, all five Christmas trees!

I had some things to take care of at school...
while I was there, I made sure everything was 
off the floor under my desk in my TPC.

With warm temperatures and mild humidity,
it was nice to work with the doors open...

Enjoy the summer sunshine!

Take care,

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend ~The Unofficial Start to Summer ~~Enjoying Time with Great Friends ~~~And Directions for Crash Hot Potatoes

It was a beautiful evening to spend on the patio with friends.
This is our second annual 'Welcome Summer' Cook-out together.

Six of us are Empty Nesters.
Only one little chickie remains...
and not such a little chickie!
She is now taller than her mom and is going to be in high school next year.
(Yes, my Foods Class is on her schedule for 2nd term!)

Her dad is our Grill Master.

Here is the Grill Master with his Support Staff.

Burgers and Brats...tastes like summer.

My assignment was the Crash Hot Potatoes.

So easy to do...
I scrub small red potatoes and cook them in my steamer for 60 minutes.
Drizzle olive oil on a large baking sheet.
Using your potato masher, smash cooked potatoes to resemble a cookie.
Brush with more olive oil.
Sprinkle with coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Top with fresh herbs.
Here I am using rosemary and thyme.
Bake at 450 degress for 20-25 minutes.

Our Salad Chefs.

Minerva's famous house salad.

Pastry Chefs. delicious, they were gone before I could get a photo!

To our gracious host and hostess,

Thank you so much for a lovely evening.
It was a perfect start to summer.

Take care,

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day ~A Day of Remembrance ~~Visiting the Hometown Cemetery and Remembering Those we Love ~~~Plus a Special Message to our Son In Law

Vintage Holiday Crafts

We honor all of the brave men and women,
and their families,
who have sacrificed their lives while serving our country,
 in the United States Armed Forces.

This weekend, we made the four hour trip north 
to visit the cemetery where my parents are laid to rest.

It is such a peaceful little place.
It had been nearly two years since we had visited here.
We placed flowers and an American Flag by our family's headstone.

My Daddy was so very proud of his service 
to our country during World War II.

Like old times, 
Hubby and I walked around the cemetery, stopping to remember and talk about family,
friends and neighbors.

When I was a little girl,  this was a regular outing on a Sunday afternoon.
My parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles could spend hours walking around and reminiscing...
while my cousins and I would just run and play.

Now, I understand.

So we stopped to pay our respect to my grandma, Hilda.
And to the two babies that she lost shortly after childbirth.

My mother was 12 years old when this baby sister was born and lived only a short time...
Mom was at such an impressionable age.

When my parents had a baby,
born too soon, 
born too small,
they were told that chances were not good for this little girl.

Mom wanted to name her Twila, too.

Of course, we looked for Aunt Enid,
my mom's older sister.

And for this very special couple.
Ann was my grandmother's half sister.
Ann and Art were my Godparents.
Their farm was less than a mile from ours and we dropped in on them to visit often.
Ann was always baking cookies and there were always lemon drops in her candy dish.
(Our Emily's middle name is Ann, after this lovely lady.)

Another special couple is laid to rest here.
Beverly and Carl were such gracious people.
Their daughter was one of my best friends in high school,
and Beverly was a good friend to my mom through Church and Eastern Star.

Here they are with cousin Clarice (Lloyd and Enid's daughter)
and dad's cousin, Carol (Art and Ann's daughter)
at my mom's 90th Birthday Celebration.

Thank you, Hubby, for your patience and listening to all my stories 
about the special people in my life growing up in a small town.

And then... again,
it was time to say Goodbye.

Take care,


I can not leave on this Memorial Day 
without sending love and blessings to our son in law 
who continues to serve our country 
with the United States Air Force.

We love you and we pray for your safety...always.

Take care,
Dad and Mom

Sunday, May 24, 2015

How did this Teacher Spend the Start to Summer Vacation ~And then...a Package to Lift my Spirits ~~Thank you, Pam

It was last last contract day of the school year.
Hubby thought we should celebrate at our favorite neighborhood restaurant.

We often share a Burger and each get our own side.
This one is topped with cheese, bacon, and a fried egg.

Hubby orders the Hash Browns,
and I love the Steamed Broccoli.

Sadly, there was more work to do in my classroom...
textbook inventories,
fine lists,
and the budget.

So my first day of vacation was spent working at school.
And I wasn't the only one...
Full office staff and plenty of teachers.

I am happy to announce that I turned out the lights 
and closed the door on this classroom.

Perhaps just one more morning and I can finish what I need to do
 in the Foods Classroom and in the Teacher Planning Center.

So, I did not end the school year with that 
giddy excited feeling that I have so many years before.

When I pulled into our driveway, this was the pick me up that I needed.

A few days ago, I learned I was the winner of
a GoPro Camera, and coupons for Purina ProPlan
Cat Food for Callie and Lucy.

Thank you so much, dear blog friend, Pam.
Visit her blog Sidewalk Shoes here.

As soon as I get an SDcard and chance to experiment,
I'll be back to show you photos and videos.

Happy Summer!

Take care,

Home Sweet Home ~Last Leg of our Fall Foliage Trip ~A Brewery Tour

Y’All know that we’ve been home for a couple of weeks. This was the highlight of our last day on the road. Leaf Peepin’ through Wisconsin. T...