Sunday, December 20, 2015

Where the Weekend Went ~Sending Greetings to Family and Friends

My Weekend Mission was to get our Christmas cards ready for the mail.
We send greetings to family, high school friends, college friends, 
and many folks that have impacted our lives in some special way.

Here's the outgoing mail.

I look forward to the cards and letters 
that will be delivered to our mailbox.

Our weekend started with some live jazz.

We did have a little time to relax 
and enjoy the lights of the Christmas tree.

Remember the gifts under our tree last year.

This year is a bit different.
When our children are married, 
we need to share them during the holidays.

While we miss them,
we are happy to know that they have another family 
that loves them and supports them.

Also, we are very thankful for facetime and skype.

Take care,

1 comment:

Kit said...

Merry Christmas! Have you been getting the snow we have been getting here? I hope so. Our tree looks about the same with gifts. Our girls are still here in town, but now we do money and they get stockings with small items. I have taken to putting toys and such under my tree to make it look happier....LOL Have a great Christmas week! Kit

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