Friday, March 3, 2017

Sharing Some Big News ~My Retirement News

It is my 38th and final year of teaching.
My family and close friends know about my decision.

However, in case you haven't read the list in the newspaper,
I want to let you know I submitted my letter for early retirement.

Trust is not an easy decision.
First, you need to look at your financial situation to see if
you can make ends meet with less income.

And then, there's the benefits...
You need to look at your options for Health Care.
This is the cold, hard, and responsible part of the retirement decision.

The other part of the decision is this...

Spending the day with some pretty awesome 
young adults is something I will certainly miss.

Having these four juniors prepare the turkeys for roasting 
was just of of my week's hightlights.

You see,
this year has been perhaps my best teaching assignment ever.

That's just one of the reasons it is a perfect time to step away.

These are the moments that I will always remember.

Take care,


Moneik said...

Congratulations on your retirement. I was thinking this must be your last year as your posts kept referring to the last time we'll be doing this activity. I'm sure you'll enjoy your retirement.

Suzanne said...

Congratulations. I'm sure that was not an easy decision for you, but happy that you will be able to spend more time doing other things you enjoy. However, don't be surprised if you are more busy that ever!

Kit said...

Oh wow! That is truly awesome! I know what you mean about the feelings of leaving the kids behind. I have 4 more years to go, but could jump when ever the job loses the fun. So far it is still fun for me. :) Kit

Busy Bee Suz said...

I know how passionate you are about teaching, so I know you must have struggled with this decision. Surely all the kids that have been your students will have lovely memories of your class time. Congrats to you on this though.....a new chapter in your life.
Wishing you all the best!!

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