Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday Memories ~On This Date

January 29, 2013
It was perhaps the coldest day of that winter, five years ago.
We had received word that my mother had fallen and  broken her hip.
Because she was 92 years old and had heart problems, 
she was considered a high risk patient,
so was transfered to the hospital in Grand Forks.

It was cold in Aberdeen, but even colder in Grand Forks.

Not knowing how long I would be gone, 
I prepared several lessons for the substitute teacher.

January 29, 2012
Fitness for Life students were studying proteins
and learned the art of making a homemade breakfast burrito.

January 29, 2014
This was the year I had broken both of my wrists.
On this day, 
I had received the clearance to leave my soft splints at home.

To celebrate, hubby bought a new watch for me.
I had not worn a watch or a bracelet for nearly four months!

January 29, 2015
I enjoyed making a crockpot of soup for my knitting club.

Hubby had a new bag for his cymbal hardware,
and Callie needed to break it in.

Boston received that record snowfall.
Emily and Jake were coping with that mess.

January 29, 2016
Everyone needs some extra motivation 
to get through the long month of January.

We enjoyed some Friday Night Jazz at the Brass Kettle.
This was before their big rennovation.
January 29, 2017
We took a break from our Saturday errands
and enjoyed some appetizers at Mavericks.
These are their delicious Moo Shu Egg Rolls

January 29, 2018
I was up at 5:30 this morning.
This was the view of the moon from our patio.
The official Super Blue Blood Moon Happening is not until the 31st.

Today, I eavesdropped on this conversation.
I told them that their secrets were safe with me.

I hope you had a marvelous Monday!

Take care,

Friday, January 26, 2018

TGIF ~Friday Finds ~The Boston Public Market

If I lived in Boston, I would come here as often as possible.

Which, to be quite honest, would not be that often.
We drove to a different suburb, paid for the parking garage,
took the T downtown, and walked several blocks.

But it was well worth the effort...
I enjoyed the fabulous displays of seafood.

Scallops are my favorite!

This Dakota girl could not believe the price of ground beef!

Check out the fresh pasta...

And the homemade bread.

A caramel apple for your sweet tooth?

I spent some time browsing here.

There is something for everyone's taste buds!

It was a great afternoon in the city.
Thank you!

Take care,

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Out with the Old, In with the New ~Replacing our Washer and Dryer ~Saturday's Work ~Let's Talk About Some Football

What are those men doing in our house?

Our old appliances were very old...
we brought them with us from our old house.
(and we have lived here for 22 years)
The dryer heat settings were hot and hotter.

This was our old washer.
It did not effectively spin out all the rinse water anymore.
I usually had to run the spin cycle twice.

Remember last weekend, we ventured out in the cold to
purchase a new washer and dryer.
Langs delivered them on Thursday.

Step 1: Read the instruction book.
"You will be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow instructions"


The instruction manual is boring reading material...

But necessary.
Just check out the control panel on this washing machine!

And the drum is huge.
I wish we would have had this washer when the girls lived at home.
They were on Swim Team and we were washing towels

The see-through lid was appealing to me.
Watching the wash cycle is just about as exciting 

The new dryer has a 
rocketship type control panel, too.

...along with a very large drum.

There they are, side by side.

I still miss my mother's weekly phone call.
She would say, "I suppose you are doing Saturday's Work."
And most of the time, she was right.

Yesterday, was no different.
Hubby and I did Saturday's Work,
mastered the art of doing laundry 
with our new applicances,
and celebrated the day with a Black and Sam.

Let's end this with a little Football Chat.
In September, I posted about watching our
favorite NFL teams in hubby's new mancave.

and, of course,

They all play today for a chance to go to the Super Bowl.
We are heading to a Watch Party later this afternoon.
Sunday Funday

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...