Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Las Vegas Trip ~How we Celebrated Father’s Day

It was a special Father’s Day, indeed. 
It was the first for Jack’s Daddy.
While my hubby has celebrated three decades of Father’s Days,
this was his first time to accept the role of grandfather.

Not to mention, he got to celebrate the day
with his first-born daughter!

Since it is was all about the fathers, 
Nick made the plan for our day. 
It was no surprise that it involved golf.

The players register on the computer.

Jack and I were the spectators.

In between turns, daddy enjoyed some baby snuggles.

Isn’t technology amazing?!
The golfers hit the ball...

And a computer chip tracks each ball, 
and gives you feedback on the screen.

There are three levels of golfers, working on their swing.

Back at the hotel,
Baby Jack entertained us all with his kicks, smiles, 
and babbling conversation.
A good time was had by all!

We are Blessed.

Take care,

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