Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Visiting Boston ~Spending Time with Family ~Day Seven

While Hubby and I were on vacation, Emily and Jake were not.
They still had work obligations.
We dropped Emily off at her facility, 
as she had important meetings on her agenda.

Just down the street from Zone Wellness 
is the Zildjian Symbol Factory.

Remember that the three of us enjoyed 
a tour there a year and a half ago.
Hubby was not able to attend at that time.

So this year, it was his turn.
He thoroughly enjoyed that 90 minutes!

Jake and I viewed the displays in the lobby.

We felt right at home waiting in the employee break room. 
Jake took care of work emails and phone calls. 
I enjoyed coffee and the Zildjian television broadcast.

If you visit the Boston area, this tour is well worth your time.

Be sure to sign up early, as there is a waiting list.

With Emily still at work, I hung out with the guys.
First stop...lunch at McSwiggans, an Irish Pub.
They both ordered the McSwiggan’s Burger, 
featuring three types of meat.

My lunch was the Cod Fish Cake...
Cod, mashed potatoes, dill, butter, and fresh herbs, 
over a spring mix and remoulade sauce.

Since I was confined to a wheelchair, 
it’s not like they could drop me off at the Hobby Lobby! 
So I enjoyed man shopping with stops at Home Depot, 
the Wine and Liquor Store, and a Golf Pro shop.

Then we received the message that Emily was ready to leave. 
We enjoyed visiting her at her workplace, 
and hearing about their programs.

It was another great day.
We are blessed.

Take care,

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