Monday, June 3, 2019

Visiting Family in Okinawa ~Saying Goodbye ~This is How I Got Home

It was time for this Nana to go home. 
Since my flight was not super early, we had 
one more morning to play.

But first, early morning snuggles 
in our pajamas...
Simply the Best!

I will also miss having a big breakfast 
sitting across from this little man.
Jack is a good eater, and we always had great “conversation”

It was a 45 minute drive to the airport. 
We drove through 4 parking garages with no luck, 
so Amy let me out with my luggage by the needed entrance.
Huge hugs for our daughter that made my visit so wonderful.

This was the line to check-in.

A successful experience going through security.

The airport in Okinawa has beautiful displays of Orchids 
along all of the walkways.

While traveling, I like to locate my next 
gate before I do anything else...
Whether I have 40 minutes or 4 hours.

Then it was time for coffee.

The flight was full...

...except I had this middle row of seats to myself.
If only I could be this lucky on the upcoming long flight.

This one to Tokyo was only 2 hours, 40 minutes...
I had just gotten up...
I had just enjoyed Starbucks Coffee...
No need to sleep!

Once in Tokyo, another security checkpoint.

Once on the other side,
So many gates (I was looking for 36),
So many stores, and so many restaurants.

I sat by my gate to charge my phone, 
and answer emails and messages.
I was hoping that the ANA truck had transferred my luggage,
and I watched that GateGourmet truck load meals onto our plane.

This was our ride home.

See the route that goes over Alaska 
and then passes between Bismarck and Duluth.
That’s where I was going.
13 hours from Tokyo to Chicago.

So we all settled in...
It was time for Happy Hour.

And then dinner was served.
The Sesame Chicken and Rice was pretty tasty.

About six hours later, they turned on all the lights 
to deliver this midnight snack.

Hours later, it was time for breakfast.
I’m not usually a fussy eater, 
but I was glad I had saved my dinner roll
from the night before.

The good news was 
that we got to Chicago 40 minutes early (tailwinds)...
but because we were so early there was no gate available 
so we sat in the plane out on the tarmac.

This is the mass of people waiting to enter the US. 
See those blue lights on the ceiling.
That area was long and entirely crowded with travelers.

Then we all picked up our luggage here...

...and stood in this line 
to take it through customs and recheck our bags.

And these lines are to board busses to go to a different terminal.

In our new terminal, all these folks were waiting to go through TSA. 
See the girl with the red backpack? 
She must have had a tight connection and 
kept asking if she could be brought to the front of the line.
The answer was “No, we can’t do that.”
I felt so bad for her.

From the time I texted my hubby that were on the ground, 
till the time I got through security again, 
he said it took about two hours.
I was glad I had plenty of time.

And then, the last leg of my journey home...
A beautiful sunset.
I was so exhausted that I feel asleep 
and missed the beverage/snack cart when it came by!

Hello Fargo!
While I was missing our little family, 
it felt good to be home.

We are blessed.
Take care,


B'Anne said...

So enjoyed your trip. Thank you

Joyce said...

I'm glad you had time with family overseas. This sort of travel is wonderful and exhausting both. We are gearing up for more this fall as our daughter and her family are moving to South Korea. Hope you're doing well and are rested and somewhat back in the time zone. It takes a while!

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