Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tuesday Tip of the Day ~Saving Clipped Recipes ~Some of my Favorites

You all know that I would rather cook than bake.
I love to look at recipes...and I love to try new recipes.
This Shrimp Pasta Dish is one of our favorite go-to meals, 
when we are short on preparation time.

And this is one of our favorite 
go-to appetizers to serve in the summertime.
It is so easy to prepare that you don’t even need a recipe.

Hubby and I enjoy this Watermelon & Orange Salad, too...
Tastes like summer!

In a previous post, I showed you the new magazines 
that come into our house every month.
As you might guess, it is hard to keep up. 
But, now that I can’t do anything besides sit,
I have been going through my accumulation.

My mother was the Master of clipping and saving
recipes from newspapers and magazines.
But then you have to find a way to manage those...

When I see a recipe I want to save, I take a photo.
These Rosemary-Spice Walnuts look easy and delicious. 
I think they will be a low-carb, high protein snack 
on our tailgating table this fall.

Instead of recipe boxes or binders,
I have started a digital photo album to keep them all in one place.

No worries, I also still have have a collection
of favorite recipes on my Pinterest Page.

We have a little herb garden on our patio...
so maybe you noticed I saved several recipes
to make use of that fresh flavor.

I can’t wait to get back on my feet 
and can spend more time in the kitchen!

Take care,

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