Tuesday, December 10, 2019

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year ~Christmas 2019 ~An Exciting Update to our Holiday Plans

If you thought we were excited before, now we can
barely contain ourselves.
As you already know, Daughter #1, her Hubby, and our Grandson
are planning to be home for Christmas.

Today, we learned that Daughter #2 and her Hubby
are coming home too!

If you got a Christmas card from us last year,
you remember this photo.
It’s the last time we were were all together.
It was taken in July 2018.

We did see Emily and Jake this past June.
I spent the month of May with Amy and her boys.
But, to have everyone..all together..under our roof, is priceless.

Empty Nesters, you can all relate.
Whenever they were all home from college,
I would fall asleep at night with a feeling of being complete.

Notice that little boy on the right?
We can’t wait to scoop him up in our arms!

I hope all of your plans for a
wonderful Christmas are falling into place.

Take care,

1 comment:

countercrafts said...

So happy for you! What a great Christmas you will have all together! Take Care and I hope that you have a safe and Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year. God Bless!

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