Wednesday, January 22, 2020

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~So Long, Santa ~Helllo Snowmen

It was about time for Helper Cat and I to pack up
the Christmas Decorations.

I love the glow of the lights in the evening...
and since we don’t decorate until after Thanksgiving,
it’s nice to leave them up until mid-January.

Santa and Friends gathered for storage.

And then, there’s this...

Helper Cat wasn’t sure if I could get that mess
straightened out and into the storage tub.

In fact...she decided to take a little break.

With the Christmas Decor put away, the house seems so bare.
Having a few snowmen to fill in the void helps.
Remember, these were new for Winterfest this year.

These have always been a another favorite of mine,
made with all Upcycled Vintage Materials.

Bundle up...there’s plenty of Winter left on the calendar.

With our temperatures in the deep freeze...

...Comfort Food hits the spot.
After Pot Roast Sunday,
we enjoyed Hot Beef Combo Monday.

Stay safe and warm, my friends.

Take care,

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