Saturday, August 15, 2020

Planning a Party ~Pandemic Style ~Celebrating Hubby’s Big Birthday

 This Papa is celebrating a Big Birthday this weekend.
Party Plans are coming together...
all CDC Guidelines being considered.
*gathering limited to 10 guests
*outdoors with seating spaced 6 feet apart

I referred to my favorite cookbooks to plan a menu of foods
that guests can help themselves without sharing utensils.

I like homemade taco I can limit the sodium.

Walking Tacos are on the dinner menu, so guests
can help themselves and stay social distanced to eat.
You can even stand off in a corner to enjoy a Walking Taco!

My friend, Wendy, suggested Appetizers on a Toothpick...
Fabulous idea, these are my ingredients and 
She is also bringing something special. 

When you are as old as my Hubby,
you’ve accumulated lots and lots of beverage koozies.
They are ready to go to his Outdoor Bar.

These are just too cute for words...
Also going out to the bar.

A Birthday Party isn’t complete without Birthday Cake.
Birthday Cheesecake, that is!

These will also be an individual serving size...
Can’t wait to see how they look on my cupcake tree!
Stop back on Sunday to see for yourself
in my Birthday Party Report.
(I hope I remember to take photos)

Of course, Roomba has had quite a work-out this week.
Lizzie has had quite enough of that
and trapped him on the edge of the stairway.
“Error...move Roomba to a new location and press start”

I’ve posted this meme before...
it is just so fitting.

Have a wonderful weekend, pandemic style.
Stay Safe And Well.

Take care,

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