Sunday, August 30, 2020

Sunday Funday ~Where the Week Went ~Quarantine Highlights ~Much Misc ~Etsy Shop ~Face Masks ~Our Grandson ~Pizza Friday ~Grandma’s Garden ~Helper Cat

Over a week has passed since my last blog post.
I had to look at my photos to see
if anything blog worthy had happened.

I’ve been to the USPS with a couple of Etsy Packages...
like this Scarecrow.
And Hubby’s Wood Turning Creations
have gotten a lot of attention in my Etsy Shop, too.

I’ve had a few requests
for youth size face masks...

And it warmed my heart, when one of my former students
tagged me in her First Day of School post
with her children wearing the masks I created.

That was just the motivation that Lizzie and I needed
 to bring out the Cutting Mat and Ironing Board to make a new batch.

This is the black, white, and gray collection
I created for a neighbor’s request.
Let me know if you want to see what else is in my inventory.

Good friends traveled out of town to visit their children...
And brought us some treats when they returned!

Papa and Gigi are always over the moon
when we get photos and videos of our Grandson.
Doesn’t he look like such a big boy here?!

It was too hot to turn on the oven last week. So we ordered Pizza.
That darling pizza cutter is a gift from a friend...
A thank you for my making masks for her and her hubby.

I’ve been into making No-Bake Mini Cheesecakes lately.
And I love this crust that uses Ritz Crackers.
It is just the right amount of salty with the sweet.

My Mother-in-Law’s Garden has been producing...
and she generously shares tomatoes and cucumbers with us.

No store-bought tomato can compare to
the color and flavor of a tomato from Grandma’s Garden.

Last and certainly not least...
this photo was in my Facebook Memories.

This Cat.

She was really my best helper cat,
faithfully following me from room to room
as I worked on my daily house chores.

Stay safe and well, everyone.
Take care,

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