Friday, September 30, 2022

Thoughtful and Caring Friends ~They Cheer Me Up ~They Make My Day ~Thank You

This showed up at our front door...
An absolutely beautiful bouquet of flowers.

Hydrangeas are perhaps my favorite.
This one is such a delicate color.

The arrangement features so many unique blooms.

And why this special delivery?
I just got home from an unexpected stay in the hospital.

On Saturday, I fell.
Was heading up the stairway and I remember only the
first two steps before I blacked out.
A trip to the ER, and several tests later,
 determined I have multiple fractures.

The very sweet friend remains a mystery.
The card was not signed.
I thought the florist overlooked that detail, so I called.
Nope, was meant to be anonymous, it remains a mystery.

The reason for my two night stay in the hospital was for observation
and to solve the mystery of why I blacked out.

A dangerously low level of sodium in my blood.
Apparently there’s a delicate balance.
I follow a low sodium diet, per doctor’s orders.

While in the hospital, I received sodium supplements
to bring it up to an acceptable level.

To my dear thoughtful and caring friend,
I thank you so very much.
You really knew how to make me feel special.

Take care,

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