Saturday, June 21, 2008

Finally, It's Summer!

Until this week, the weather has been quite cold and cloudy. This week has been beautiful...mid 80's, light breeeze...perfect summer days! I love it!!
Since I am thinking about an online craft shop, I have been taking inventory of what I have on hand.

The first crate that I brought in included the Bunnies and Gardening Angels. These 'girls' (in the above photo) are dressed in Homespun dresses and pantaloons. Their Aprons feature button flowers for spring and summer.

These are wooden bunnies look great hanging from a peg. They have curly wire whiskers!

This angel bunny is equiped with his pitchfork...ready for the garden!

All of these things, and more, are needing a good home!!

I guess I'll check them over again and repack them until we're ready to set up shop.
Later, Natalie

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