Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Fun

Darling Daughter 1 could not be here this holiday...and she is the master shopper...she likes to shop more that DD 2 and I put together...but we still went out. Yup, it was 6:03 a.m. when we pulled out of the driveway. Once we found our first gift...then, there was no stopping us. DD 1, you would be so proud of us!
But, I came home before everyone else, because I had a paper due today. I am working on my "Masters degree plus 45". I am taking a graduate level class at Northen State University. is my schoolbag, my laptop and my school laptop on my dining room table...almost ready to submit my assignment online...


Tolentreasures said...

Looks like you did fine to me. I was up at 3:30 to babysit little boys so that their MOm and Dad could shop. Luckily they did not get up until 8.

Good Luck on your paper.


Renna said...

You are quite the go-getter, Natalie!

Oh, the pumpkin pie turned out great! Again, thank you for posting the recipe. :-)

Kelly said...

Hi! just came by to say that you have been, "Tagged"!! List 6 things about yourself, and then tag 6 other people....

Sounds like you had a great time shopping... I did not get out due to bad weather in our area. I think my husband is relieved!! HA!

Beautiful Blessings~Kelly Maria

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...