Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving ~ Things in my House Thursday

Happy Thanksgiving
Things in my house today...there's a stuffed turkey in my oven and this stuffed turkey on my table...
...but most important in my house today, is my visiting family. My mom came on Tuesday. She's 88 and doesn't travel very much. She hasn't been here since Thanksgiving last year. Our youngest daughter arrived last evening after attending her university classes. Our oldest daughter is spending this holiday with her boyfriend and his family. While we wish they were here, we understand that as our children get older we have to share them with another family. We are so thankful for the time we do get to spend together.
Best Wishes to You and your Families!


Renna said...

I love the prim, Natalie!

I'm taking a quick break from the kitchen to come here and print off your Impossible Pumpkin Pie recipe.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

jodi said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you also. We have both boys with us but they have been or will be with girlfriends for part of the break. Sharing the holidays themselves is not far away.

Betty said...

Happy Thanksgiving,Natalie! And greetings from Minnesota, where I finally have a quiet morning to enjoy your blog. It's wonderful! Your pictures and comments are great. I'll be a regular viewer.
Best wishes. Betty

Frasypoo said...

Hope you had a great day.
I ate too much and am suffering now!

SnazzyJazzie said...

hi nat, have a great thanksgiving. we dont celebrate this in my country so it is interesting to see how this event is celebrated.

MSM said...

Cute picture of one of the countless adorable things you have and make! :)

It is wonderful to spend Thanksgiving with whatever family is available; we had to share Charlotte with her other grandparents this year - but it'll be all the more exciting when we see her in a few days.

Thanks for joining TIMHT!!


It's so nice to have some of the family together and I love your attitude about your eldest! I'm still too scared not to spend Christmas with my mum and dad... and I'm nearly 40, lol!

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...