Thursday, November 13, 2008

Things in my House Thursday VI

A blog give-away package!
I'm not a gambling woman...but, my DH thinks I should start! I have won two more blog give-aways this month. This package was on my doorstep when I came home today...and what a "pick-me-upper" it was! It has been a crazy week at school. My Basic Foods class is in their Yeast Bread twice this week, I have left for school shortly after 6:30, in order to get their bags of homemade yeast dough out of the refrigerator. This generous gift came from Michelle in Oklahoma. I am so excited for my new mini tart pan, mini tart shaper and fun little cookbook. All the items are Pampered Chef items...which I adore. You, too, will enjoy Michelle's blog, It's Just What I Do. Click on her link over in my Blog List and say "Hi". She's a teacher, too.


MSM said...

THIS would be sooooo exciting to get in the mail! One of these days, it's gonna be my turn to win a giveaway : )

Your Basic Foods class sounds interesting, especially the yeast bread unit - - I could have benefited greatly from having a class like that when I was young.

Thanks for being part of TIMHT!

M said...

Bread....I sure wish you taught here!

What a neat thing to get in the mail...and to have WON it is even better! My "win" of hte day is that my sewing machine is FIXED!! I am off to sew!

Michelle said...

Woo-hoo!! Can I get some of that bread!?

Kindra-At Home With K said...

Congrats on your win! We have that cookbook and my son just loves it!


It's fab getting a surprise in the mail and that is a great package!

Wish I'd been taught 'bread' at school too..mmmmmmm! You have a such a worthwhile job! :0)

Renna said...

Congratulations on your winnings. What a great package of goodies!

Donna said...

That's so cool! I wish I could go on a winning streak!

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