Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome, Jake

Our daughter and her boyfriend have been dating for a little more than a year. This is his first visit to our home. He spent the holidays with his family in Washington, and will stay here, with us, for the last week of their holiday break...then back to school for them, too. Today he had the grand tour of our town...Tomorrow, lunch with grandma. Most importantly, rest and relaxation before they return to the rigors of their university studies.


simple~needs said...

what a cutie!!! :) tell her she did good. teehee
i wish them both a great life. give them hugs from all of us!!

MSM said...

Such a sweet-looking couple! Hope they are totally refreshed for school.

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...