Monday, January 5, 2009

Up & At 'Em Monday

Back to School...and a Brand New Term...
...we start the new year running. What do I teach?
2nd block = Independent Living=28 students
3rd block = Fitness for Life=63 students
4th block = Child Development=26 students

Why, after 30 years, do I feel nervous on the first day? At least, I had new clothes. My shirt was chosen by DD1 this summer and my sweater was chosen by DD2 this holiday. The lanyard and my ID pull the whole look together?! Callie wonders why my car is running...after all, I haven't gone anywhere for days.


Tolentreasures said...

I fought it every step of the way yesterday. It is going to take weeks to get over! I lvoed being at home!


It was a struggle getting up yesterday, bring back my duvet, chocloates and black & white movies!!

Suzanne said...

I wish I could be in one of your classes. It sounds like a great schedule. Love your new clothes. Aren't daughters great for helping pull an outfit together!

pam said...

I hope you have a good semester! What is fitness for life?

MSM said...

You look ready to face the day and semester!

Hope it was a great first day back!

Michelle said...

You look beautiful!

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...