Sunday, January 4, 2009

Life was Great in 2008

As my Holiday Break comes to a close, I am taking the time to reflect on all the positives in my life. I found this fabulous idea while visiting Kindra's blog...which took me to Linda's blog...which took me to Marlene's blog...which took me to MamaKat's blog...where she invites us to make our own list and go back to sign 'Mr. Linky'... here is my list of Top Ten Reasons why my Life was Great in 2008...
1. Family ~ My Hubby. He is my life partner, my companion and best friend. He supports me, shares in parenting and helps care for our home. We share many common interests, values and goals. Here we are ringing in the new year, one year ago.
2. Family ~ Our Daughters. They bring joy into my life. Their phone calls brighten my day. I cherish the time that I get to spend with them, because, as they get older, that time becomes less and less. I am happy that they have relationships with these wonderful young men.
3. Family ~ Our Moms. We are fortunate to have the good company of our moms (and grandmas to our girls). This category also includes my husband's sister who lives in our community and we get to see often.
4. Faith. This, of course, is first on the list. It provides the foundation for our family, our work, and our play.
5. Health. While we have all had some minor 'bumps' in the road, we are lucky to be free from serious illness and disease. There is always room for improvement and I plan to make some healthy lifestyle changes in 2009.
6. Employment. I know there are days when I sound tired and stressed...but, I thoroughly love my job. I have been teaching Family and Consumer Science to Middle School and High School students for 30 years. These courses prepare students for life after graduation. It is such a great feeling to have students come back to visit and to learn they are successful in school, work and relationships. My husband works for the state. This December marked his 20th year as a Tax Program Representative. He received this lapel pin in recognition of his years of service.
7. Friends. I am purposely not posting a picture for this entry, as I do not want to leave anyone out. We are blessed with many good friends from high school, college, through our children's activites, those we've met at work, at church, and through organizations.
8. Technology. Wow...this aspect of our lives allows us to communicate with loved ones; manage files at work and at home; buy books and take classes on line; find recipes; shop; pay bills; complete bank transactions; listen to music; watch videos; look up almost anything; etc. etc. This list could go on forever.
9. Home and Community. I am thankful for our comfortable home and the safe community in which we live.
10. On-line Community. This enty is last, but not least. I have so enjoyed the friendships that I have made in this blogging community, the Etsy community and the Old Farmhouse Gathering community. I never would have predicted that at age 52, I would have a webpage, a blog, two online shops, and a yahoo group. I appreciate everyone who is reading this and I am looking forward to much more in 2009.


M said...

Great recap!
Congrats to the 30 years of hubby's work! I got an apple "trophy" for 10 years in the district....even though I have been teaching for 23...but the years in another district don't count. When I unwrapped the trophy the apple fell off- seems they don't attach I glued Mr. Potato head on top the base and it seems very fitting...and the kids like him :)

pam said...

Sounds like you have lots to be thankful for! My break ends tomorrow too :(

Donna said...

I loved reading this. It helped remind me of all the things I am thankful for!

Kindra-At Home With K said...

I loved reading all you blessings in your life for 2008! I'm so glad that I have met you through blogging.


Thanks for your comments on my blog, it's amazing, when we think about it, just how many things we have to be thankful for. :0)

Cordwood Cabin said...

Great idea with the linked list of reasons to celebrate! Happy New Year and wishing you and your family continued blessings!

Carol said...

Great list!!!!! You have a beautiful family!!

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...