Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stitching & Stewing on Sunday V

Prim Bunnies
Projects this weekend were geared toward Spring and Easter. My OFG Etsy Team is preparing for a Spring Celebration to start March 1st. Keep checking back for more details.

Hubby offered to prepare dinner one night. When we go out to eat, if there's a Monte Cristo Sandwich on the menu, I predict that he'll always order that...So he found a recipe online to make it for us at home.
The Monte Cristo Sandwich
9 slices Wheat Bread
3 slices Cooked Turkey
3 slices Cooked Ham
3 slices American Cheese
3 slices Swiss Cheese
1 egg
1 - 1 1/4 C. water
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar
1 1/2 cup flour
1 tbsp. baking powder
Vegetable Oil for deep frying
Place turkey and Swiss cheese on one slice of bread and ham and American cheese on another slice of bread. Place third slice in-between and secure the triple decker sandwich in the corners with tooth picks.
Place egg in mixing bowl, add water and beat together. Add salt, sugar, flour, and baking powder. Beat batter until smooth. Dip sandwich in batter and carefully cover all the sides and surface. Carefully place in hot oil and fry until golden. When sandwich has turned a warm gold color, remove from hot oil and place on paper towel. Let cool a few minutes before removing the toothpicks. Before serving slice into fourths and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Serve with raspberry preserves. Makes 3 delicious sandwiches.


Renna said...

The bunnies are darling, and the sandwich has my mouth watering. :-)

•♦•©The Olde Weeping Cedar •♦• said...

Cute bunnies, just seems so nice to see all these posts about "SPRING" projects ;) It can't get here fast enough!!!
Yummy sandwich-thanks for sharing!

have a wonderful day-Kath

TeresaM said...

I'm trying to finish my things for the OFG Celebrations too!!! Hopefully today I can take some pictures!

The sandwich looks wonderful... never heard of it before!

Unknown said...

sweet bunnies! I love the recipes you share!

Jennifer Taylor said...

I wish I was creative enough to do such cute projects. I managed to burn bagels this weekend so cooking isn't my thing either. Thank God for my hubby. (I managed to hide the bagels from him.)

Unknown said...

Just added you to my blog roll, love the bunnies.

Anonymous said...

Darling little bunnies.
Husband that cooks....awesome! He is a keeper!

Attic Clutter said...

LOve the bunnys --so prim an cute (:) the sandwich looks delish (:) hugs,patty

Tolentreasures said...

The bunnies are all adorable! The sandwich looks yummy! I have had those before and love them. I stitched the day away on Sunday also, have to get some pics tonight.


Carol said...

Mmm, I haven't had a monte cristo in years and years. I still remember my first one. I found it an interesting sandwich and went for it. Then I fell in love. LOL

BOWquet said...

That sandwich looks sooo good!

Kylie Bowers said...

Oh wow the bunny is so sweet! That snadwitch looks good but not good for those hips lol.....

Pami said...

that is a cute bunny and now I am hungry thanks for sharing that receipe sounds yummy


I had a Monte Christo sandwich about ten years ago and it was out of this world. Yours looks absolutely dee-licious!

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...