You know, we are all just going to appreciate spring so much more when it does finally get here!!
Whatcha Working On Wednesday?
Our family has been discussing the possibility of hosting a foreign exchange student for the coming school year. We have sat on the fence for quite a while. Since hubby and I are empty nesters, we have plenty of space, time and energy to offer this young woman. On the other hand, our house
But...we have decided we want to open our home to a foreign student...
...and the application packet is 12 pages long.
I am looking forward to all of your comments here!
Bummer on the Spring. Soon...soon.
What a fun idea on the exchange student!! Good luck to ya. I hope it is a wonderful experience for you all.
Oh my goodness, I can't believe what you weather is like....hope you see spring soon. Wow I think having an exchange student sounds like a wonderful experience.....12 pages though, yikes!
I too thought Spring was finally here until my hubby came home & said we may have snow this weekend! I don't ever remember seeing snow this late in March here in Oklahoma.
Be safe!
It even turned cold and rainy here in northeast Texas, where I was quite certain spring had sprung. I'm so happy that I didn't remove the electric heated mattress pad from our bed the last time I changed the sheets. I came so close! ;-)
I think the idea of an exchange student is terribly exciting. One of the ladies from my local knitting group hosted exchange students for years, along with her husband. She talks about them like they were her kids, even went to Germany last year to one of their weddings.
You have so much to share; I say, go for it!
WE are expecting up to 15 inches of snow tonight. All my trees are budding and ground covers are coming up. They are in for a chilly surprise come tomorrow. Ugh!
Any exchange student would be so fortunate to live in your home, I'm sure! Sounds like a wonderful adventure for you all. might have to take down your Spring flag for another week or so! Bummer! It is cold and raining here today...feels like we are right back to Winter after having worn sandals, t-shirt and capris just two short weeks ago!
Exchange student huh?! Wow!! I'm waiting for my empty nest and for hubby and I have to have home to ourselves and discover each other again. Sounds like you've got lots of love to share. I could understand the 12 pages....wouldn't want my daughter to go live with somebody not thoroughly checked out. Bet you feel same. Good luck with this!
What a wonderful idea to host an exchange student. You will all learn so much from each other.
Too bad about the weather in your area but you know that spring will arrive eventually.
No snow here! I'm sure spring will be there to stay pretty soon, :)
The exchange student? I'm a little bit jealous! It does sound like y'all are in the perfect position to host, and I think it sounds so interesting and fun and rewarding.
Looking forward to hearing all the details and updates; I'll live vicariously through you and be very excited when your student arrives!
Well we have been snowed in all week we finally got the neighbor to dig out a path so we could get our VW bug out and get to the store. Running low on Coffee!! More snow coming here in Sturgis S.D.
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