Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring has Sprung

We returned from Minneapolis to a yard with no snow. While everything here is still brown and dirty, the rain today will help freshen the outdoors. Finally, my snowman flag looked out of place, so I have replaced it with spring flowers and birds.
Along with the thawing and rains, comes the threat of flooding. NDSU's classes have been canceled again today so the university students can help sandbag. My thoughts and prayers are with those families who are fighting the water trying to keep it out of their homes.


Anonymous said...

Oh thank goodness....I'll get to see areas outside your home with no more snow or ice! I was just telling my DH yesterday that I couldn't stand to live somewhere with all that snow....seeing a Spring time flag on your blog is refreshing! I'm sure you must be tickled for the thawing too. Though...do worry about the flooding!

emilyhnes272 said...

Guess what... they are already cancelled for tomorrow (wednesday) too... and both tests that I was to have this week are not till next week. It's like an extra long spring break, only now I'm bored!

Renna said...

I love your flag. The colors are so cheery! :-)

I've been hearing on the news about the flooding. :-(

Carol said...

Beauty of a flag!! And ditto on the prayers!!!

MSM said...

Don't mean to be repetitive, but I love the flag, as well!

M said...

Too bad you can't send some of that water our way! We could use a few billion gallons!

jodi said...

I read this morning of a gentleman making a comment that in some areas there were almost too many volunteers for sandbags. What a good thing. If there is much flooding it won't be for lack of trying!!

dee begg said...


While I'm glad to see all your snow is gone, I'm unhappy as that mean flooding for others with your spring thaw. Hopefully the sandbagging will help keep any damage to a minimum.


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