Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The view from my window

If we can look past the fact that we are very tired of snow, it is obvious how absolutely beautiful it is. It is so clean and so white. It clings and accumulates, creating neat shapes and snow structures.
Kenna, from Beholden to Nature, has inspired me to really look at my surroundings and to notice the beauty that surrounds us every single day.


M said...

Oh that's so cool! Kind of like Dr. Shivago...

Stay warm!

MSM said...

I could tolerate snow in (almost) April if I had that beautiful view.

One of my very favorite movies is Holiday Inn, and I imagine your snow being like that.

Hope you are cozy and comfy!

Carol said...

Bless your hearts, more snow ?!?! It is beautiful!
Are you having school? Stay Cozy & safe.

Kenna Elizabeth said...

Oh my gosh! I am *so* honored by this. I don't have the words to tell you how wonderful this made me feel, but suffice it to say you basically just told me I'm achieving my biggest mission of inspiring greater appreciation of nature. Thank you!

And I'm so happy that you were able to turn the "blah snow" view into beautiful snow! Snow is soooo amazing- I've always marveled at it. :)
Lovely view from the window- Well done!

Suzanne said...

We had a storm like this last week. I actually loved being inside and watching that storm swirl around. It probably would have been a different story if I (or a loved one) was traveling, but in this case we were sequestered inside. Your photos are beautiful!

Carol said...


CozyGirl said...

Yes, I 'm very tired of snow, but that is beautiful! Have a nice day Natalie!

Anonymous said...

Brrrrrr.....I know same comment but oh so brrrr....but I have to agree it is very pretty!!

Unknown said...

Your photos reflect exactly how I feel about nature in general for I love all seasons and what it brings us. I'm especially fond of ice storm results (as long as it does no real damage!) because, like snow, it creates such beauty.

Anonymous said...

Hey! No pre-pictures of my workspace but I imagine it looked a bit like the mess of snow you have!

Hope your safe and warm!

Michelle said...

Really pretty, but I just don't think I could do it. I think Oklahoma's bad! LOL Such a southern girl....

Renna said...

I have always loved pictures of snow. Snow can hide a drab yard, or a dreary landscape. Everything looks pretty under a coat of snow.

That said, for your sake, I hope you don't get anymore! ;-)

dee begg said...


It is very pretty, but you can keep it. Sorry, couldn't resist. I'll take spring now, please!


Della said...

I see the beauty each and every time it snows. It just doesn't get any prettier that your pictures. Enjoy it for me Natalie.

Angelshair said...

Beautiful pictures! This seems so silently peaceful!

myan said...

fabulous photos! that's so great that kenna inspired you to take in your surroundings! her photography is always an inspiration!

Mark,Suzanne Vainner said...

Gorgeous...and the reason I will always live where it snows. Ok ok a little less than we had this year would be OK, LOL! but still it is soo beautiful. Ice too, it's like glass everywhere.
Thanks for the reminder and Kenna is an inspiration :)

MommaB said...

Oh wow ...lots of snow...hope your family in fargo is OK....people are praying for the folks in ND

Carol said...

Yes, there is beauty, but we were socked in hard in Iowa. 28 years ago it snowed hard on our wedding day.....sort of an omen???? Carol

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