Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Not an April Fools' Joke

Due to the recent flooding and the big snow storm, we have experienced some power outages here. Yesterday,when we were home from school, the power was out for about 3 hours. Today, it went out again, city-wide, at 6:42 am...hmmm...kept thinking we'd have a 'late start' at school until power came on again...
Guess not...
First was still wet...
Quick flashback to the 1980's...apply mousse...scrunch...and you're good to go...
Next stop...Supermarket...for lab problem. They were operating with generators and conducting business, as usual.
Then school...I kept thinking, my grandma taught without electricity, I should be able to, also...
Well, times have changed.
Announcements...on the TV. Attendance...taken on the computer. Grades...recorded online. Powerpoint, overhead projector, making copies, showing a DVD, working on the laptops...all out of the question.
Thank goodness for textbooks, paper and pencil.


MSM said...

Y'all still have textbooks? :)

Electricity or no, the students had ALL they needed as long as YOU were there!

Lori P said...

Isn't it amazing how we don't think about it until it goes away! Love your blog.

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

You are made of tougher stuff...I think our schools would have cancelled.

Alyssa S. said...

When we lost power for 10 days during Hurricane Ike our schools were shut down. Growing up in Hawaii, if we lost power during the school day...we opened up the windows...or better yet, went outside!

Michelle said...

Oh wow.

Suzanne said...

Wow - that would be a challenge. I keep hoping you guys will get some relief!

Anonymous said...

Ah...reminds me of the time DH wanted all our household information on the computer and was trying to convince me I could put my cookbook on there and wouldn't need it anymore. The computer was down well over a week! You lived the story....

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Oh have had some crazy weather! I am surprised you had to go to school without electricity! Hope it wasn't off all day.

Carol said...

We just don't know what to do with ourselves without electricity, do we? Kinda scary should something considerable happen to our power grid.

pam said...

I can't believe you didn't even get a late start!

Anonymous said...

Wel I like Hawaii girl ! Open the windows ! Yes , I would love it ! The only things I worry about when I have no power is , my freezer & fridge . I cook outside even in winter . Tarp me if it is rain .
Yes with my natural curly hair , definitely mousse ! It frizzes horribly if I don't .
Now the computer , lol , well it is awful if I have pending orders , but I was thinking today about how all these new viruses are found , just by opening a website now .
It really stinks when you have to replace , lose things you can't replace all because we depend upon them so badly , and yes I am just as guilty .

I love your new etsy shop !! Way to go !

MommaB said...

hope your weather is calming down and you will see spring soon...thanks for the comment on ym blog...

Renna said...

We are such wimps down here in north Texas that if we get a mere dusting of snow, school starts late. More than a dusting, and they cancel it altogether! ;-) said...

Is that really a picture of your classroom? If so, it is absolutely charming. Hope you get some sunshine soon. You can always visit us in California, it was in the 80s today;)

Kenna Elizabeth said...

Wow-- I guess this will date me (I keep forgetting that I seem to feel younger than I am??), but... ALL THAT is done electronically now? Taking roll? Wow. I'm only in my 30's but I guess you just don't realize how fast and how much changes unless you're involved. When I taught, it was outdoor science (leading trails in the woods, teaching biology, ecology, geology, etc...) so I didn't realize how much classrooms have changed.

And, I admire your improvisation skills, and "keep on keepin' on" attitude. Way to scrunch that hair! ;)

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...