Wednesday, April 8, 2009


...or 'Why Have I Been too Busy to Blog?' Actually, I have no idea...
But we did take the next step in the Foreign Exchange Opportunity. We submitted our application started the background check process. The Coordinator scheduled a home we dusted her room...I hope she likes pink. Our DD1 certainly does.
There is a bathroom downstairs for her...decorated with 'Girls Just Want to Have Fun' prints.
When we moved to this house, my hubby wanted to redo this bathroom with a duck theme. This is way better, don't you think? I love these pictures...the bathroom is yellow, but not quite as yellow as the photos turned out.

Paella for Dinner...Italian Sausage, Chicken, Shrimp, Vegetables and Rice all in one dish...what could be better?

And there is always the never-ending pile of papers to correct...


Anonymous said...

Pink....Pink.....Pink.....I missed out on girls and love seeing a little pink bedroom. What's not to love!

Sandy said...

Good luck on the exchange student. Sure hope you do get a girl. A guy would hate your frills and pink.
As for me, I enjoy the empty nest!

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Wow, I think she will love that bedroom and bathroom. Both are super cute and perfect for a girl. Sure to make her feel right at home!

CozyGirl said...

Cute room and bathroom! That paella looks yummy! Have a nice Wednesday Natalie! Oh and I hope you have a nice weekend in Lincoln. Now the weather is showing rain for Sunday:-(
Hopefully that will change!

Anonymous said...

I DO LOVE PINK!! Such a cute room- perfect for any high school girl.

Your dinner looks good. Quy helped me make Pad Thai last night for us and two of our guy friends! It was really yummy!

Cannot wait to see you guys!!

M said...

There's one lucky exchange kid out there is all I can say!
Happy Wedensday!

dee begg said...


Good luck on the exchange student selection process. Dinner looks yummy!

Suzanne said...

Oh my gosh that paella looks incredible. Love the "girls just want to have fun theme." Hillarious! As much as I love duck, you are right, "the girls" theme is better. ;o)

Carol said...

Oohh, I love that pink and brown combo!! So I suppose you've decided on a girl. How exciting!! Would this not actually take place until fall semester?

Lori in South Dakota said...

The paella looks wonderful--are you sharing the recipe???

Renna said...

I LOVE the decor, Natalie!

I clicked to enlarge each picture for viewing. I shouldn't have done that with the Paella dish. It's 11:00 o'clock at night, and now I'm hungry. It looks divine!

MSM said...

The pink and brown room is awesome.
The bathroom decor is fun!

Thanks for keeping us up on the FEO process.

Michelle said...

Fun, fun! Yes, I love the bathroom.

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...