Thursday, April 9, 2009

Things in my House Thursday XVI

The Easter Tree ~
When we took the boxes of Christmas decorations to the attic, I noticed 5 boxes labeled Easter Baskets...curious at the time...but decided to wait till April to bring them down. What a trip down memory lane...Today, I set up the Easter Tree, complete with miniature ornaments. Hubby and I have wagered a bet as to how long it will last...

Does anyone care to join in?

Currently, it sits on the dining room table, but has caught the eye of both Callie and Lucy.

Lucy looks as if she is saying, is that what I think it is...can it really be true?

The temptation might be just too much!


MSM said...

What a cute idea!

If I had one, though, it would absolutely, definitely not survive my cats - for even a few minutes.

I'd just have to label it a cat toy and be done with it!

Thanks for joining TIMHT!

Suzanne said...

I have an Easter tree too, but for the same reasons, I place it on my mantle. Those were really cute photos of the kitties!

Renna said...

It looks like batting practice time for putty cats to me! ;-Þ

Anonymous said...

So cute! Probably won't last long, though ... mine is just anchored in marbles, and it tends to fall over easily anyway. With a cat around - it would have no chance :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah....the kitties ARE NOT going to leave that little cute number they think it is all for sweet of you! LOL

Beth said...

Funny! Cats and things that swing. Not the best combination for staying power but there will be lots of entertainment.

dee begg said...


Cute tree. Maybe the cats will surprise you and after a curious look leave it alone. Then again maybe not!


jodi said...

Are all of the ornaments still on the tree? :-)

M said...

Oh my! I don't think it would've lasted at my house...those little decorations would be all over the floor!

Happy Easter!

pam said...

That would last about 10 seconds in my house.

I Play Outside The Box said...

Too cute....good luck! lol

Remembering Daddy

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