Saturday, April 18, 2009

An Old New Cook Book

We were cleaning the bookshelf at school the other day...getting rid of some outdated materials. This cookbook was going to go out in the trash, so I brought it home for a little trip down memory lane. The pictures and graphics are priceless; the tips are designed for a time when mom stayed home and prepared breakfast, lunch and supper for her family; and the recipes look pretty good too!
After I've had a good look at it...I am going to list it in my Etsy Supplies Shop...I'm sure someone will appreciate the vintage pages for a craft project of some sort...

Does this remind you of your favorite aunt's kitchen when you were growing up?


Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I want that kitchen now, Pink Heaven, I would say I going to Pink Heaven not call it the kitchen.

Carol said...

What a fun book to come across!!

Lori in South Dakota said...

Hey, I'm still USING my cookbooks from those eras!!

Renna said...

I love that little kitchen.

Did you notice the seam up the back of her stockings? Pre-pantyhose days!

jodi said...

I love the pink kitchen.

Kat S. said...

That retro look for kitchens is so in now! That little treasure of a book will sell so fast I'll bet! I love cookbooks. So wonderful to browse through. Kat S.

Anonymous said...

My neighbor has been going through her things and , she gave me a copy of that cookbook , and many more that are very old . I will have to post pics on my blog , to show .
She also gave me many handwritten , that have passed down through her family .
They didn't want them , so I took them .
I figure someday , I will send them a card and include a recipe she gave me in their card for memories .

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