Sunday, April 19, 2009

Some Things Never Change

As you know, we spent our Easter Break in Lincoln. While we were waiting for our table at Lazlo's, Emily remembered that we were sitting in the same spot as we had the last time we were there. To the left...December, 2007. To the right...April 2009. Did you notice I am using the same purse?! And...the proper comment would be that...Emily looks much older now, and I...actually...look much younger!
And since we are creatures of habit, we usually stay at the Chase Suites...because it is in a great location; there are enough beds for everyone; there is more than one bathroom in the suite; there is a kitchen; and we can light a fire in the fireplace. They have a great area for continental breakfast, or to just use your laptop. On the left, Jake and Emily working on their studies in November 2008 and to the right in April 2009.
Here is Amy's cat, Bella. In November, the poor thing had to use a box for a bed. But in February...for Amy's birthday, Bella received a bed for her very own...and she likes it!


Unknown said...

Such sweet pictures. You and Emily are beautiful women. And yes, you look much younger! Nancy

Carol said...

Hee, love the matching photos. My now deceased FIL took photos of his daughter every year on the same stump in the woods. It was interesting to see how not only she had grown.

I also love that you are using the same purse. Says something about you. Good things!

emilyhnes272 said...

I like today's blog... thats funny about Bella too. It's a good thing grandma got her that bed. Who knew she would use it quite that much.

Attic Clutter said...

OH I love it ~!! the cat with the new cute~!!
And isn't it funny how when we go somewhere we often do sit in the same place
(it a familiar feeling I guess)
I have noticed that when we go to someones house or they come here we all kinda have our own little spot..

Glad you like the blog link there are just so many darling places to go visit on here, aren't there(:)

I made the cat yup had it listed on ebay but it didn't well (")
hugs, patty

Renna said...

You're right, you do look younger! ;-) I don't often have a purse in my hand when my picture is taken (I'm usually the one taking the pictures), but if I did, I can assure you, there would be repeats of the same purse.

I see Emily, though wearing a different coat, is still wearing a white one. She does look good in white, too. :-)

It's good to know Bella has moved up in the world. ;-)

Michelle said...

In the top pictures you're almost wearing the same clothes, too! ha

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