Thursday, April 30, 2009

Things in my House Thursday XVII

My new cookbook holder! I love to look at recipes and I love my cookbook collection...especially the cookbooks with pictures. When we were in Omaha during Easter Break I found this awesome cookbook holder at Harry and Davids. The price was so reasonable.
Here it is supporting my 'Everyday with Rachel Ray' Magazine.
I think Callie likes it too.


Unknown said...

I haven't seen one quite like that. It's very neat! And reasonably priced makes it even better.


Renna said...

I really like that. It's a lot prettier than any I've ever seen. I usually stick a heavy can of vegetables on the open page of my cookbook to hold it open. Your holder is much nicer. ;-)

emilyhnes272 said...

Oh my goodness funny... you actually did totally position the cat behind the "things in your house" just for me to see her!! I love it. By the way, did you make any dinners from the cook book? We will have to this summer when we experiment with my cooking skills.

MSM said...

We need one of these, but I've never seen such a pretty one. Smart of you to grab it when you came across it!

Thanks to you and Callie for joining TIMHT! :)

Suzanne said...

I'm with you -- a cookbook without pictures just doesn't fly around here! Love this cookbook holder -- beautiful and holds the book so well. Harry and Davids is a favorite of mine. Their chocolate covered cherries, blueberries and strawberries are incredible!

sweetiepie said...

I got one of those for my daughter for Christmas and she just loves it.

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

Beauty and function. Great combination!!

Kat S. said...

I have this heavy metal cookbook stand that is so annoying because it is cumbersome and doesn't have a front piece to hold the pages in place. I like yours ever so much better! Kat S.

TeresaM said...

That is very pretty!

pam said...

Well, if it's kitty cat approved, then I need one too!

jodi said...

What a beautiful holder. I'm like Renna - I stick a can on mine or another cookbook or . . .

Carol said...

I love it!! I'd buy myself a holder if I ever used the pile of cookbooks in my cupboard. LOL

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...