Friday, May 1, 2009

Finally Friday...

...the end of another crazy week. Emily and I made the 4 hour trip to spend time visiting and helping my mom, as she just got out of the hospital a couple of days ago. We surprised her with some DQ ice cream and chatted about half an hour. Then she was ready for bed. Mom's place is small so we are in a motel. Plus , Emily will appreciate the place to spread out her books and study. Finals are just a week away!


Renna said...

I hope your mom is doing well!

I always love seeing your daughters lovely smiles. :-)

Anonymous said...

Did you receive you envelope?
I head to Raleigh Monday to help load move son out of the dorm. Soon the house will be busy during the day again.

Anonymous said...

Cute tank top!! Hope you guys have fun and wish I were there.

jodi said...

So nice that Emily could go with you. Hope your mom is doing well.

Brenda said...

Hope your mom is doing much better! Sure hope that DQ ice cream was good, haven't had any of that since last summer. Good luck to your daughter on her finals!!

Carol said...

Ahh, things we never had...comfort of a bed with a LAPTOP!!! Glad your mom is coming home!! Nice treat with the DQ.

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...