Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Marathon Experience

This was Emily's first marathon. She was running the 4th leg of a relay team...7.6 miles to be exact. Here she is with the 3rd leg, Natalie, at the start . They hoped to get a glimspe of Lily, who started amongst the over 10,000 runners. We, then drove to South Fargo, to wait for Natalie to run there...Finally, we see her in the chute...there they are exchanging the ankleband with the computer chip...

Then, she's off...

Then back to the Fargo Dome to wait for Emily...I was so excited when I saw her finishing, that I didn't get a picture until she had her medal and her banana.

She finished strong for her team...update...according to the official results...based on the computer chips on their ankles...she ran her leg in 47 minutes...that's a 6:20 mile pace.
Thank goodness for cell phones. She was able to find her team mates.
It was the first time marathon for all four of these ladies...and you can tell by their smiles that it won't be their last!


Ramblin Mama said...

Congrats to all! That is definitely an accomplishment! Oh, to be young and agile again.

Suzanne said...

That is such a great accomplishment. Congratulations to them all!

Anonymous said...

you're a rock star!!!

M said...

WoW! That's a great pace! girls...I ran the whole darn thing by myself...never again! A relay is a great idea!


Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Wow, how exciting! Congrats Emily and gang :0)

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

Way to go Emily
Just droppin'by to wish you a Happy Mothers Day..

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Way to go girls!!!

Carol said...

Congrats to all the girls for running a spectacular race!!!

Unknown said...

That's so wonderful! I did my first in January and plan on doing another this October. It's a great feeling to cross the finish line!
Congrats to the girls!


Laura Trevey said...

Congratulations!! I have run a 10K, and that is all I will do :)

Thanks for visiting my blog. It brought me to yours!!

xo Laura

Michelle said...

Wow!! Great job!

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...