Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Memories

Mother's Day...a time for reflection and fond memories. I think being a mother is the most important, most rewarding job in the whole world.
In our family, Mother's Day has meant spending time together...a special meal...special cards...sweet little presents, often homemade...
And... of course, we always posed for a picture. My first Mother's Day in 1985, Amy was just 3 months old. Do I look like a tired mom in this picture? For many years, my parents would travel here, and we could celebrate three generations of moms and daughters together. Here we are, with my mom in 1991, and the 3 of us in 1995.

It happens so gradually, our little girls become young women. Here we are in about 1999.

Today, we celebrated Mother's Day in Fargo. Amy was not able to join us. We had a lovely brunch at the Radisson Hotel. Our time spent together was priceless...and much too short. Thank you, my darling daughters, for everything.


Ramblin Mama said...

Wow! How did the girls grow up so much when you've hardly changed a bit?

OldeAnniePrimitives said...

What a beautiful family! So glad you had a nice time. They grow up so fast, don't they. My daughter called me from college on Saturday and said she wouldn't be able to make it home for Mother's Day. And then surprised me for breakfast yesterday morning. What a wonderful surprise that was! Have a great week! ~~Annie

Renna said...

I agree with Ramblin Mama; you've hardly changed over the years, Natalie. I love seeing pics of your family.

Carol said...

Happy belated Mom's Day to you. I enjoyed seeing the photos and how your girls have grown into beautiful women. You look like a very proud mama!!

Michelle said...

You look the same!

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...