Saturday, May 16, 2009

So Glad It's Saturday

Finally the weekend...School is usually pretty intense at the end of the term...add to that...Seniors who need every credit to graduate...the stress...I'm so thankful that my own daughters did not provide me with those worries!

Since I missed TIMH Thursday...This is Things in my House Saturday...the college girl's possessions. She is officially done with the term and checked out of her dorm...I guess, for good. She will be an apartment dweller for the remainder of her college career.

With Emily and Jake here, I can make some of my favorite dishes.
This is simply the most fabulous dip. And, Oh, so easy!!
Prize-Winning Party Bean Dip
2 cans (15 oz. each) black beans, drained and rinsed
1 can (15 oz.) refried beans
1 jar (16 oz.) chunky salsa
1 pkg. (4 oz.) crumbled feta cheese
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
Combine all ingredients in serving bowl; mix well. Refrigerate at least 1 hour to blend flavors. Serve with tortilla chips.
I also made a large bowl of Pasta Salad. I don't always follow a specific it's a little different everytime. Today I used rotini, red beans, cucumber, black olives, carrots, green onions, cherry tomatoes, carrots, green pepper, parmesean cheese and Tuscan Style Italian Salad Dressing.

Hubby is currently on his way to Sioux Falls...Their Jazz Group is playing at the Touch of Europe tonight.


BittersweetPunkin said...

That pasta salad looks yummy! I always make one in the warmer months and for big get-togethers...always a hit!!

Have a great weekend!

M said...

The end is near!! But I am relishing every moment of my class these last 18 yera I will have to share a class and my teaching time will be cut by 30 minutes...I won't be able to get it all done!

Happy Saturday! Enjoy!

StitchinByTheLake said...

Hi Natalie, that pasta salad sounds so good. I'm the only one in my house who likes pasta salad so I don't make it too often. At least he will eat spaghetti and chicken with noodles! blessings, marlene

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love pasta salad too.
It is amazing that we are again at the end of the school year...where did the time go????

pam said...

Is there any time better than the end of the school year??!! It's like Christmas and your birthday and every other good day, all rolled up into one!

Arlette said...

I've enjoyed browsing your blog. You have a beautiful family and cute kitties. Thank you for sharing your recipes. They all sound delicious.

Carol said...

I love pasta salad!! Yummm. I'm glad the year is almost over for you so you can step away and breathe!!

PriviesAndPrims said...

That bean dip may taste good, but I'm not sure about it's looks. ;)

Someone visited my blog from a link on your blog tonight! Thanks for putting me on there. :)


MSM said...

I'm gonna have to second PriviesandPrims about the picture of bean dip - it's probably a tasty dish but that photo might not make the book..... :)

The pasta salad - I want some right now!!

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Today we celebrate the Birthday of our second born daughter, the baby that that made our family complete. A happy little girl, Smart and a l...