Sunday, May 24, 2009

Teaching for Generations

Graduation of the pleasures of teaching high school is celebrating this milestone with my students. I typically receive any where from 12 to 20 invitations. I am honored to attend these receptions to meet the families and to be welcomed into their homes.

Here I am with Ashley and her see...I was her mom's teacher too, in the early 1980's. It is a treat to get to know the children of former students. I'm pretty sure I'll be retired by the time the 3rd generation gets to high school.


Attic Clutter said...

Oh Natalie
No biggy about my named spelled different ~ We all do those things(:)
I hope you get to catch some of the Farah show.. It is a sad thing and has been on several time so I think it will stay 'on going' for awhile.. Sometimes I flip to something else...hard to watch.. well thanks so much for thinking of me.. and Looks like you are one of the students in the piccy (:) very darling ..
hugs, Patty


That is so so neat!

I got to see my 5th grade teacher about a year ago as he was working in a school my daughter was going to at the time. It was beyond wonderful to see him again.

Suzanne said...

I was just talking to another teacher at a graduation party this weekend that had also taught former student's children. What a wonderful legacy you are leaving with these young people. I can tell you are a wonderful teacher. I hope you have some time this summer to put up your feet and relax a little! ;o)

MSM said...

Are you kidding me?! I clicked to enlarge the photo - you are so young and energetic looking! You look fantastic - not the typical first generation of a three generation photo, :)

Ashley and her mom look sweet; I think it's the coolest thing that you taught both of them.
Did you have any good 'mom' stories to share with Ashley? LOL

Anonymous said...

Love your pics ! I have been steady working here . You are so lucky ! To have a picture of 2 generations is awesome ! I cant wait till school is out ! Raymond is so getting hard to get up in the morning .
I picked up some dried dip mixes for the Holiday and they are so good . I cheated by buying the dry mix , but if you can find it , it is so YUMMO ! LOL ! It is made by Fiesta Foods , I made roated garlic dip and toasted onion dip . Have my vegies cleaned . We are having ribs and chessey potatoe casserole .
Happy Memorial Day !
P.S. Check out my blog for my picture with a peacock !

Anonymous said...

How fun for you...though I must say you look no older than the mother!

Laura said...

As a retired high school English teacher in Texas, I know exactly what you mean.
I have always loved this time of year.
Enjoyed visiting.
Come see me,

Busy Bee Suz said...

What an honor to have such involvement with 2 generations. Congrats to you and the graduates!!!

Laura Trevey said...

Happy Memorial Day to you as well!!

xo Laura

Kathy said...

That is so awesome. My kids went to the same school Irv and I went to and had some of the same teachers. It was funny to be back in the school and seeing the teachers again. The strangest thing was how young they all looked! When I was IN high school, I thought they were all OLD! They must have been fresh out of college!

pam said...

That's so nice! Isn't it funny seeing your students later, when they are all grown up. It's a harder jump for me because I see them in 6th grade and they change so much as they age.

jodi said...

It is so nice that your students have the opportunity to have teachers that their parents had. And nice that they invite you to be at their receptions and be a part of their lives. A great sense of community.

The teaching population here is transient and add to that a lot of retirements lately. Even if we had grandchildren eventually they probably would not see any of their fathers teachers.

Carol said...

How special that is!! You've sure touched a lot of hearts and minds over the years!

Unknown said...

I was really surprised when you said you were Ashley's mom's teacher as well. You are too young! That's really neat that you look forward to the parties. To me, it shows you have a genuine interest in your "kids".


Lori in South Dakota said...

I'm with MSM, you look way too YOUNG to have taught both mother and daughter!

Tolentreasures said...

What an honor to have taught two generations. We live in a very small town and many of the teachers that my girls had in school had also taught their father. They were also young looking like you are!


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