Monday, June 15, 2009

Decorating on a Dime

We have just returned home from helping our youngest daughter move into her first apartment. Here she is with the UHaul trailer that was filled to capacity with all of her worldly possessions. When you are 20 and in college, you decorate in the 'Shabby Chic' or 'Trash to Treasure' Style of Interior Design.
Here is a little tour...this is the view from the door. A cute round table and corridor kitchen. To the immediate left is the living room and large sliding glass doors to a perfect little patio.

Well, we unloaded the UHaul and needed some nourishment. This great little Sandwich Deli is within walking distance of her apartment.

And after cleaning, scrubbing, washing, dusting, unpacking, assembling, vacuuming, arranging, we needed a shopping break.

Back to the tour. Her bathroom is darling. The shower curtain (KMart, on sale) ties all the colors together...her dorm rug, graduation towel sets, bathroom accessories from home.
For her kitchen, she pulled together hand-me-downs from her sister, both grandmas, me, the church rummage sale, community garage sales, and our 2nd hand store. It is just too cute!

And the living room..the TV stand is a new purchase (WalMart Clearance item). But the hide-a-bed couch and two rocking chairs were given to her by good family friends. I think they are perfect!


Unknown said...


How fun for you all to get her new place all put together! It's a really sweet apartment. Cute and charming doesn't have to cost a lot! But decorating can be a tiring job, so I totally understand the need for nourishment and retail therapy! ;-)


Busy Bee Suz said...

How cute. I love when you have to pull all your resources from all directions and can MAKE IT WORK.
She will have wonderful memories of her first place.

Brenda said...

Your daughter has a great little place!! Great decorating also!!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh my gosh it is great,perfect, and looks like a lot of fun, you guys did a great job, and when you shop, you have to go to the store with the pick bags!!

Jody said...

Oh that turned out so cute! What fun to help decorate!

Unknown said...

What a great apartment!! It is very charming:o)! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

BlueRidge Boomer said...

How exciting for your cute!! Don't ya just love pulling things together and making them work!!


Christine Burgess said...

She looks so excited. What a fun time and wonderful memories. You remind me of me with the trash to treasures and discount shopping. Love it!

jodi said...

What a beautiful place. Wish that you could have seen S1's place that he shared with 3 others. Quite a difference from your daughters!!

Mystic Silks said...

You gals did a great job with decorating on a budget--Good for you!


Barb King of Prairie Harvest Arts said...

Sounds like you guys had a great day! It was wonderful to be able to share a great time with her. The place looks great. Thanks for sharing the pictures. It was fun to look at and enjoy.

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Congratulations on her first apartment, it looks great!

Tolentreasures said...

How nice for her! I have loved helping my daughter with her apartment and later with their homes!


Carol said...

How fun to move into one's first apartment!!! Is it all hers or does she have a roommate? I went from my mom's home to a friend of hers to friends of mine to marriage. I've never lived in a place all my very own (though my hubs would say that's where we live now. LOL)

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