Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday's Topics ~ Lucky Blog Girl and Cat Salad

It is raining so hard and for so long that we have a small pond in our back yard and a river running down the street in the front...The wind blew the patio furniture around breaking off some of our potted flowers...
So...those of you that follow my blog know that I have won more blog give aways than the average blogger. My hubby really wants to take me to Vegas to try my luck there. Anyway, I always just love the packages that come to me in the mail. It totally makes my day and hope that the packages that I send out also cheer someone else up...even just a little.
This delightful paperweight came a few weeks ago from Creations Anew. This has a special place on my desk. Please check out her web page. Robin's photography is beautiful.

Shortly after that, I won these adorable fabrics from Jane. I might have inherited the 'too pretty to use' syndrome from my mom...since I am not a quilter, I was not sure I could do these fabrics justice, so have entrusted them to a fellow South Dakota blogger and quilter...and I am anxious to see her wonderful creation. Please stop by to see both of these blogspots.

Another good blog friend and quilter, Mary, sent this perfect little pouch. It came in May...just when school was a bit stressful and I needed a pick-me-up. I use it in my purse to protect my camera.

At the end of May I won this book from Shauna. Perfect timing as school was out and I'm always looking for some good reads. This looks like something I will pass on to my daughters when I am finished.

I brought some of the broken-off flowers into the house and within less than a minute, Callie was right there.

She was relentless...Lucy, on the other hand...not interested...she's napping. The sweet flower, in its vase, is now in my bathroom, with the door closed.


dee begg said...


I agree with the hubby...maybe a trip to Vegas may be in order. Well you know what they say about cats and their curious nature.


Unknown said...

My dh hasn't gotten used to my blogging yet. I received a giveaway win in the mail yesterday and showed him all the goodies and in a baffled voice he asked, "why did you get these gifts?" ;-) You received some very nice gifts. I love the picture of your cat, but I don't suppose you like what she did to your flowers...but she sure is cute!


Busy Bee Suz said...

GO TO VEGAS!!! Or could you at least pick some numbers in the FL lottery for me?
LOVE those pictures of Callie. So darn sweet.
have a great day!

Ramblin Mama said...

Why bother with Vegas? Go for the big one and buy a Powerball or Mega Million ticket!!

cherry said...

OHHH love your cat...great give-away. They are a lot of fun...I just did one. cherry

emilyhnes272 said...

Oh wow I didn't even know you got so many gifts!! I think you need to bring in the grass for Callie. you know she might just like it more than your precious flowers. Good thing the 2 ton table didn't knock over and create a hole in the deck. Have fun with Grammy!

pam said...

You need to get a lottery ticket!

She just wanted a little nibble.

planettreasures said...

you are lucky!
What a great collection of giveaways!

sweetiepie said...

Those are nice gifts you have received. I just love blog giveaways. I think it is great when people are willing to share their wares with others. Isn't the internet a wonderful place.

I love the cat.

Take care.

Debra Howard said...

Oh that is so sweet!

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Good grief I can't believe how many things you win...LOL! I was worried that you were going to say your table blew off the deck! The pictures of your cat are adorable!

Kat S. said...

What a lucky lady you are! You should take your hubby up on the Vegas trip!

Carol said...

Congrats on all your wins!! I adore the kitty flower pics. So sweet.

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